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Doce de abobora...(pumpkin/squash candy)

I had lunch with a co-worker last week who grew up in Rio, Brazil. Fascinated with our Halloween and spoke of a candy her Grandmother made. She remembers a different winter squash than our 'jack-o-lanterns', but an interesting take on a pumpkin/squash confection. Many ways she remembers...always with coconut. One more like a compote and another in squares. I don't have recipes as most are in Portuguese but must be some in english.

Reminds me of Annie's zucchini candy!

Many versions on this webBlog...

(for some reason i can't link properly)

some are in balls rolled in flaked coconut, some in shapes.

and the compote she remembers....

One Brazilian cooking show on y-tube shows the cubed pumpkin simmering in water, (sugar water?), then in a low oven to dehydrate a bit. Another is a baked casserole of puree to thicken, then scooped out and into balls. Another dipped in chocolate.

We had a pumpkin carving contest friday so i have many 'leftovers'. I might try it.

(we also had some treats...yuck)

Fortunately we also had all things orange...including lobster and shrimp!

(i think the link finally worked!) to give credit where due
doce de abobar (abobora)

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