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A new LOW for P&G. Disgusting!

8 years ago

I was at Target this afternoon picking up a few Olay products. I do try and avoid P&G, since we all know how much I hate them for their disgusting scents and ruining Tide and Downy. A few of their products in their Olay Regenerist line are pretty amazing though, and quite affordable compared to Dept. store and Spa brands.

Olay has a new BOTANICALS line of pure and natural ingredients, developed from the Royal Botanical Garden in England. Packaging, ingredients and products look great, until you read the back and they all say MADE IN CHINA!

Really P&G?? Made in China "botanicals"? China the country that has been found guilty of adding poison to baby formulas to give higher (false) protein readings, the country that has killed dogs with their toxic dog treats, the country that put anti-freeze into USA bound toothpaste to make the product go further. Disgusting!

Nice move P&G. Serious, they define the term Douche bag!

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