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Wrapping containers with foil.

Hullo all,

I live on an island exactly 60 miles esat of west Palm beach so I get all the heat and humidity of Florida but none of the frost. I have a couple stuff in containers including a fruiting banana in a 15 gallon black nursery pot. I was moving some pots off my lawn this weekend (previously on patio which I learned was radiating heat up into the roots) and stuck my finger in a small black pot of green onions and that soil was hot! And this one gets afternoon shade. It surprised me, and got me reading about how to keep soil cool and I came across threads of people having great success using aluminum foil wrapped around pots. I bought a roll of extra heavy duty (super strength) foil today for durability. Anyone using this foil method or something similar of keeping roots cool, and if so do you notice a big difference? Also how do you secure it to the pot? Pictures appreciated thanks ;-)

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