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a better tomato?

Who hasn't wanted one?

Thought this article might interest:

Disease resistance and high yields of a commercial tomato plant, with the awesome taste of an heirloom.

A Florida researcher has been mixing tomatoes until he's come up with a variety with high yields that doesn't bruise easily. AND it tastes great.

Best thing? You can donate $10 to his research at UF and he'll send you two seed packets, one for the tomato described in the article and one for another variety he's come up with. Yep, I know that's a lot for a couple seed packets with just 20 seeds each, but I like supporting his work. And I'm simply dying to try his tomato. Plus, I've probably got $30 worth of seed packets for tomatoes and other veggies that didn't do well in my yard and didn't further broader research one inch, just informed my own research into what won't produce well in my specific yard under my specific neglect.

More about donating here:

The site went down today, probably because the article generated so much interest. But it was back up this afternoon. And for it to get enough interest to crash UF's donations site, my experience in academia tells me it also probably managed to get him a little bit of well-deserved attention from his bosses.

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