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Choosing which plant to start at which times of the year?

Hi to all my fellow Texans, the best country on earth!

I live about 20 miles Northwest of Abilene. I recently completed my home built HG. It is 40 feet long by 20 feet wide. You can see pictures of it's construction here: [[(

Okay. I have been gathering up heirloom seed for a while for this day and I want to put my new GH into full production. I must admit here that I have little experience gardening, and that is why I am here asking questions.

Here is my desire and how I hope to run me GH. I want it to be a continuous source of vegetables year round. I have some ideas (maybe wrong, maybe right), but I am willing to learn.

Basically, the way I am thinking about running my GH is to grow starter plants to replace in ground plants as they reach the end of their production or the season changes. I want the replacement plants to be almost at production point when the time comes to replace the in ground plants. This way there will be little loss in production.

My problem is that I know almost nothing about garden plants and their life cycle. I know there are some plants that can tolerate colder weather and some that can tolerate heat. I now that some plants reach a peak production and then decline and others that produce continuously.

Another thing I have no knowledge of is how the plants will work in a GH in my region. The GH obviously changes things.

Hopefully there are some other Texans in my area that have some GH experience that will be willing to share with me. Thanks. Go Texas!

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