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Loblolly Pines - Needles Turning Yellow

8 years ago

Just discovered the GW forum. Have read a number of your discussions around Loblolly pines. I live in the Lost Pines area in Bastrop (near Austin) Texas. Our ranch was hit terribly by drought (the worst in 100 years) and its finally broken. Last year I planted over 40 Loblolly pines - 24 seedlings (12") donated by Tree Folks, 12 potted trees (18") I received the previous year and potted, and I bought 6 (3') in pots at a local grocery store. All the seedlings died, the 12" potted trees are now over 3' and the 3' trees are now about 7'. I was watering the about every 4 days - is that an issue with a seedling? With 90-105 degree heat in summer the ground dries out quickly so I thought I was doing the right thing. All the other trees did fine. The needles turned yellow, I kept on watering as I thought they were heat stressed and drying out. Is yellow needles too much water?

This year (March) I bought 6 10' loblollies from a local nursery. They did really well and with all the recent rain burst into high growth. After a week of 90 degree heat, their needles are turning yellow. I haven't watered for about a week because we received several feet of rain. What gives?

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