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Help Me Plan My Garden Please!

8 years ago

I'm so tired. I've spent the last week or two pouring over every idea I could find on the internet about garden layout, garden containers, vertical versus bed, individual containers versus raised beds, grow bags versus pot. All of that and I'm more confused than when I started.

Of course, I'm on a tight budget so that's my biggest concern but there are also others.

For starters, I have a decent hunk of land, already sectioned off by the previous owners. It's set empty since I bought the house a couple years ago so it does have some weeds and need some freshening up, but it's a good start. I could plunk some stuff in the ground and be underway in pretty short order, very cheaply .... except.

I have a hard time bending over due to chronic pain. A couple minutes here and there is fine, but it would be lying if I said I'd be faithful at weeding and tending if everything is in the ground in traditional rows.

Raised beds really aren't a lot better unless I build them really high, and that would get expensive.

Containers could be placed on cinder blocks or cinderblock based benches like this (cheap, simple)

I also really like the idea of putting strawberries in something like this (cheap and simple, BUT I've read they don't come back well the next season and you basically have to replant each spring - that sounds like it might be expensive?)

Here's what I want to grow:

Tomatoes, regular size not cherry, for slicing. 4 to 6 plants. These can probably go in the ground ... if mulched there shouldn't be a ton of weeding and with just 4 to 6 plants I can manage ok.

Strawberries, the more the better! Seriously, 50 plants or so? These have to be a waist level, I can't weed that many plants on the ground.

Blueberries, never tried to do these and no clue how hard they are but my daughters both requested them. Need enough to feed a family of 5 plus extras to freeze for winter.

Carrots - if there's room.

Here's my garden area. Pardon the overgrowth off to the side and the reaming weeds in the actual bed, it'll be cleared out tomorrow. We worked today as much as I could stand and got 80% of it. It looks really slanted in the pic but in person it's not. I must have been holding my phone crooked. I think it's pretty flat.

Standing where I was when I snapped the pic it's 16' wide, 10' deep. It gets good sun everywhere though up close to the building, especially on the right side, it gets less. Still part, but not all day full.

I'm totally open to building some benches or planters as long as it's not a ton of money. I'm even open to purchasing some ready made things, again as long as they aren't insanely expensive.

I should have had this done 2 or 3 weeks ago so I also don't want to take forever getting this done. I'll lose out on a hunk of the harvest if I delay much longer

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