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Great resource for beginner starting a new garden?

I know the internet has a lot of resources, but I am in a hurry as my seedlings are outgrowing their pots and I need to get things planted ASAP. Is there a resource for dummies that I could use now to get my plot started and soil amended if needed?

I have grown things in pots before but that's it! Landlord gave the ok for me to dig up some of the grass in a sunny spot in our backyard, but after doing some research I'm confused about how to proceed (e.g., raised bed? amend soil? Till? No-till? ). I was naive enough to think that I could just dig in the soil and plant the seedlings I started or bought at the farmer's market, but a few Google searches have caused me to second-guess my lack of planning.

Our yard is home to lots of dandelions which I have read means I have alkaline soil. Started composting but the batch is not yet ready for the garden. Do not want to use chemical fertilizers or pesticides and I do live in small-town Midwest where it seems these are more readily available than organic growing supplies, but I think I can find what I need once I figure out what I need!

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