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House hunting: always an adventure....

We've sold our home and are out looking at houses. I'm always amazed. Went to five open houses today. The first one we go in we go down to the basement and there is a small room being used as an office. I see a picture of Jesus with animal antlers on either side of it. I think o.k., that's weird, and then as I round the corner I come eye-to-eye with a mounted deer head. It scared the bejeebers out of me! Usually, they are hung up high, but this one was looking me in the eye, lol! Not the house for us. One open house we go to is a fsbo. Nice people, BUT- on the second floor they are pulling boxes out of the attic, they stacked them all in the hall bath-you literally could not get in the bathroom (are they hiding something?) and this huge ladder is blocking the hallway. So, you have to do this during your open house??? Another example of people who should maybe not be fsbo sellers. Sundays are becoming quite entertaining :)

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