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Trim colour close to BM White Dove to coordinate KC cabs but creamier?

9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

Our kitchen cabs are Kitchen Craft Seashell, a creamy white and I'm trying to find a creamy white coordinating colour to paint our baseboards, casings and interior doors. The closest colour to the cabs is BM swiss coffee, but I'm worried it's too creamy/yellowish for the rest of the house.


The rest of the house is BM revere pewter and BM Ashley Gray


Ashely Gray

This pic is white dove next to our cabs. I like the colour, I just don't want our cabs to look dirty. Can you please help? The painter is coming at the end of the week, and I'm going to get General Paint to colour match as that's what the painter uses and is comfortable with.


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