What does "pizza" mean to you?
10 years ago
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Does this mean what I think it means? (pics)
Comments (6)Thanks everyone for the input. I sprayed them both with Murphys Oil soap diluted with water - hope that was the right thing to do. My county extension service said the treatment for mites was to spray with "horticultural soap," which I could buy at Lowe's or make my own. So I used Murphy's since I had read about others' using it. I have nothing to lose since they are quickly on their way out. I thought mites was a problem that the west coast/dry climates had to deal with and that it was not an issue in an extremely humid environment! Well, we'll see what happens. If I can salvage just one of them I will be happy. Oh, I think I could see the tiniest of specks on the undersides of leaves which came off when sprayed. If they were mites, they were really hard to see (didn't have a strong magnifying glass). And I see webs all the time, but thought thay was just spiders since they're everywhere. (I still wonder if there will be a worm in the tomato when I cut it open!) :-)...See MoreWhat does "Move-in Ready" Mean to You?
Comments (22)Brickeyee, that's why we'll be stating: Major Appliances Convey. The 3/4-size convection oven, small microwave, apartment-size refrigerator, and Kureg coffee brewer aren't part of the appliances dealio. Really don't know if anyone would want the furnishings. They're old...very old and, ehem, out-dated, yeah, that's the term. Who would want old stuff from the old world... Eeeeeew, it's probably, at least, three-hundred years out-dated! KirkHall, interesting about shades/draperies/curtains. I can understand bracketing & rods as they are more permanent fixtures. The textiles...not so much. Then again, I change window treatments quarterly, for the refreshing seasonal atmosphere it brings to rooms. Wonder if shoji screens are considered part & parcel, too. Since painting & repairing, all of the windows are bare. I'm using shoji screens instead (woohoo for double-hung windows *grin*). It's hard figuring out just what potential Buyers are accustomed to. Being a govt/military town it's a game to guess with people from all over the world filtering through. Discussions like this are very helpful =)....See MoreWhat does "_____is following you" mean?
Comments (3)you need to go to the Your Houzz button top right click edit profile in the drop down menu, advanced settings , go in and change the settings for notifications and such. You can set them all to never so you don't get any. I suggest everyone check out those settings and all of the various settings and options there so you have it set up like you want it and can control what is happening in your account....See MoreWhat does business casual mean to you??
Comments (15)Business casual for business (khakis and sports shirts for the men (whose dress is easier to define)) is more casual than business casual for a cocktail party (ties and sport coats), but those in academia are notoriously underdressed so I think that puts it back to the beginning. I pretty much agree with the others: a really nice pair of pants or not-too-short skirt, especially in a dark color, and a slightly fancy top because it's cocktail and off campus. If you're slender, a tucked in silk shirt would be fine. If rather larger, that might be too severe, and a blouse with some detailing on the neckline might be better. A nice day dress would also work fine. With any of them, pretty shoes that you can stand around in will make your outfit. Most of all, if you dress as yourself dressed nicely going out for a drink, you'll probably hit it right. If you'd look appropriate both next to a guy in a sport coat and next to a guy in a polo shirt, you'll have all your bases covered. A friend of mine defines business casual as "could be seen in church clothes", but they do dress up for church where she goes (I know many churches are come as you are, nowadays, and people wear their gardening clothes)....See More- 10 years ago
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