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novice question on price of wood

9 years ago

We are buying a condo. The vanity doors are really bad and should be replaced, as cheaply as possible, without looking cheap. My guess is they are no wider than 24" each, likely 18" and standard vanity height, about 30"?

My brother owns a router and a table saw. How much would wood likely cost (here in South Jersey) for something easily finished? I was thinking we could do a slab style door, router the edges fancy and bore some hinge holes. Slap on some stain and call it a day. I feel like stain will hold up better than paint and look "higher end" especially in a beige bathroom where the only thing white would be the doors if we painted them.

I have no idea what wood costs, maple or cherry plywood with veneer would be fine (veneer for staining). I'm not a fan of oak or pine.

Brother is very busy so I don't want to even mention this to him if it would be cheaper to buy doors somewhere, plus I don't want to get into a whole discussion on why we bought the place just yet.

Replacing the vanity would be too much $, and lead to replacing the counter....not ready for that yet, but maybe later so keeping costs LOW for now.


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