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Why I don't read fantasy.

13 years ago

I'm pragmatic, according to my counselor. I believe her and can't understand why I might wish to change. Facts and truth are beautiful. I am very slightly positive on the Asperger Syndrome continuum. Being Asperger positive is something of a burden because I am frequently misunderstood, or even worse, I frequently misunderstand that which is clear to NTs (people who are neurologically typical--read 'typical' as normal). My son loves Stephen King and one day I picked up one of his books and began to read. Several minutes into the book I was totally engrossed. Until--a huge black prisoner blew some "magic" buggy smoke into a dead mouse's lungs and the mouse, miraculously, came back to life. I was dumfounded! I was furious! I felt cheated. I finished the book just to see how the author told his story and I never read another of King's novels. I never watch his stories that are made into movies. Remember Jack Webb, officer Joe Friday of Dragnet? I always want "just the facts." I think that an author who writes a mystery as fantasy is just making it easy for himself to explain who done it and how they did it. They can make up and goofy reason, no matter how implausible, and get away with it. An honest mystery writer works to develop a plausible explanation for what happens and why. So, if you enjoy fantasy, what do you like about it? I guess I should say I am not so rigid concerning science fiction if I feel it is an honest attempt of the author's hope and belief of things that may happen some day, in a more developed and evolutionized society.

My felings and beliefs are mine alone and most of the world doesn't think as I do so I expect readers to find me a little odd. Becuas I don't effortlessly understand how others feel, please explain what you enjoy about fantasy.



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