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Henry V111 for 15 year old, please

I'm taking my 15 year old granddaughter to France and England this summer. After all the books I've loved over many years ( Wolf Hall and its sequel, most recently) on this subject, a trip to Hamton Court Palace is a must. Can you recommend a page turner for my almost-15 year old on this era of English history? Are the Philippa Gregory books, which I've not read, appropriate? Oh, I did read 'Girl with the earring', and seem to vaguely remember some sexual content? Think that was Gregory.? She, of course, is a HUGE Harry Potter fan. She is capable of more difficult reading, but also has a really busy summer, so would prefer to get her something easy and intrigueing , ala Harry Potter. There was little at B & N other than the Gregory books, and no ideas from help desk.
Help me if you can, please! TIA !!

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