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Help me purge my TBR shelves

16 years ago

I'm getting ready to rid my shelves of excess books. I've just purchased a bunch more and want to get rid of those that I've decided I probably will never read. Some I bought, others were given to me. Here's the list of those I will be passing on to my local library without ever having read them. Please let me know if you think I'm making a mistake on any of them. Thanks for the help.

The Rat - Gunter Grass

The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion (started it but never finished)

The Mermaid Chair - Sue Monk Kidd

Of Love and Other Demons - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Deer Leap - Martha Grimes

Let the Dead Bury Their Dead - Randall Kenan

Dogs Never Lie About Love - Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson (not sure why I bought this)

Risk Pool - Richard Russo

The Egyptologist - Arthur Phillips

The Cave - Jose Saramago

Cherry - Mary Karr (I read and enjoyed "The Liars Club)

"Birdsong - Sebastian Faulks

"Unless - Carol Shields

Haroun - Salman Rushdie

Well, there's the first cut. I have more books TBR than I realized. Thanks for any input you can give me.

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