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'Boy books' vs 'Girl books'

17 years ago

I know we have discussed this subject in the past, but I've realized that there are a few people here who may not get the "girl book" joke I made about The Robber Bride.

I think it is fair to say that some books and authors are definitely aiming for male readers, and others for female readers. Here at RP, we have given these books the generic description "boy books" and "girl books". Note, by the way, that "chick lit" is not quite the same as a "girl book" - it's probably more accurate to consider it as a sub-genre of "girl books" in general. (Another sub-genre of "girl books" is "Aga Sagas").

Hence, the throwaway comment about The Robber Bride as a "girl book".

However - and this is the bit I'd like to discuss - it does seem to me that there are many excellent "girl books" which discerning male readers (and I like to consider myself a member of this species!) can read and enjoy. For example, I think it's fair to say that Margaret Atwood writes "girl books" - the protagonists tend to be female, the attitudes tend to be sympathetic to the female of the species. But I think, nevertheless, her books are brilliant. Dodie Smith's book I Capture the Castle, Audrey Niffenegger's The Time-Traveller's Wife and - the girl book par excellence! - Jane Eyre are examples of "girl books" which can be read and enjoyed by men.

But you know - I can't for the life of me think of any books which I might consider to be "boy books" which a discerning female reader (of which we have a significant collection here, of course!) might enjoy. Perhaps I'm being a bit simplistic, but, for example, the spy/thriller genre is aimed at "boys" and it's unusual for it to be excellent. Perhaps The Spy who came in from the Cold by Le Carre?

So, are there any others? And is the lack of boy books that are nevertheless readable by girls a reflection of the limitations of the girl readers or a reflection of the lack of quality of the boy book writers? (I already know the answer to the last one - at least as far as RP is concerned!)

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