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Prayers for my little Austin please :O(

15 years ago

He's in the hosptal tonight, they admitted him a few hours ago. DS and DIL noticed a boil looking spot on his butt on Friday and by that night it had gotten redder and hard like a lump. They took him into the urgent care and the doctor said it looked like a spider bite, cleaned it out and sent them home with an antibiotic. This morning he had to go back for a re-check and they had to clean it out again. My DIL brought him here and left for work. He was miserable and ended up with a 103.5 fever and throwing up. I called my son and he came home to take him in again. They ended up admitting him to give him an IV of antibiotics.The doctor came in and said it's a staph infection and tomorrow they will know which kind, but for tonight they will give him 2 antibiotics to treat both until they know for sure which one he has. The infection had started up his back also this afternoon. I am so worried about him We can't even go to see im until further notice because of his infection. Please say a little prayer for my baby!

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