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What Have You All Been Doing Today?

My day started a bit early. Amber and went into town to the bank. Had to get change for the up coming rummage sale. Then she went to the newspaper and put the ad in. We stopped at a couple of rummages. I only spent ten cents. I came home and started rolling out pie dough. I baked a cherry and a peach pie, 9 inch ones. I also baked two 10 inch pie shells. I will fill those tomorrow. I have a big pork loin cooking in a large crockpot to make barbecue for tomorrow or Saturday. In the small crockpot I have Izzi's hearts and gizzards cooking. I browned some ground chuck with onions and peppers for the pasta bake I will make up tomorrow and made up a big batch of snickerdoodle cookie dough. Will bake that tomorrow. I also want to make up some cucumber salad and some apple salad for the next two days. I am also going to make up some ham and cheese sandwiches. My kitchen is a mess. I will go down in a bit and see if I can do some work there. Stopped for a bit and Cheryl and Kevin picked me up and they helped Amber with some things to get ready for the rummage. I sat in her yard and watched all the puppies running around. Now I am home. I don't have to fix supper, but will feed Izzi and find myself something to eat. Tell me about your day.


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