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5' or 3.25' wide Brazilian Cherry Engineered Hardwood floors?

16 years ago

I posted a similar question on the decorating forum but I still would like some more pictures and/or information before I buy my floor tomorrow or at the latest the next day. I love the wide plank floors my neighbors are installing but they are installing very dark floors (I prefer to not go so dark as their floors that are almost black despite the beauty of their floors) with hardly any color variation. I want BR-111 Triangulo Engineered Brazilian Cherry floors and must have engineered wood floors since I live on a slab. I was ready to make the purchase today for the 3.25" wide plank but saw another picture posted by a member of her 5" wide plank floors and now I am confused.

Anyone else have pictures or information to share with me on this Kitchen Forum? Is it worth it to pay almost $700 more for the 5" width to have longer boards and a 1/2" versus a 3/8th inch thickness if both have a similar 1/8th wear layer (at least 3 MM of solid wood on top that is a sawn cut of the wood to look like solid wood) that can be sanded down 2 to 3 time.

The installers came and said there is 620 sq. foot for the three rooms I am going to have hardwood installed in after the old carpet is removed.

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