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Help! Gimp braid color problem

16 years ago

True confessions, there is a problem with the sofa and chair. Reds are a bear to match. The mohair velvet is a deep tomato red and has a sheen all its own that is unmatched by anything else I've ever seen, and the gimp braid is a true red. You can see the problem somewhat in this photo:


I'm trying to tell myself maybe it's not so big a deal and I should just get over it and maybe nobody else will see it, when my son comes over, and darned if that wasn't the first words out of his mouth, "Wow they look gorgeous but what's with that braid? It looks bad."

They don't make gimp braid in all colors, and I doubt seriously I could ever find a better match, not to mention what a pain it would be to change it out and all the extra holes I'd create in the frame. And here the sofa and chair are, freshly back from being beautifully professionaly done. It's absolutely not the upholstery guy's fault, as I supplied both the braid and the fabric. It was the best match I could find. Frankly, the braid looks... well... cheap. It wasn't; it's just regular upholstery gimp braid. The problem is the color, and maybe the incredible richness of the mohair.

Do you have any ideas of what I can do about it? Can I dye it in place carefully with a little paintbrush? What is the fabric content of gimp braid? They do make dyes especially for polyester. I have some braid left over I could do tests on. But I sure wouldn't want it rubbing off on some hapless guest's arm -- could that even happen? And how much risk would there be of it possibly bleeding off to the fabric even if I were super careful? :/

I even thought about putting in another tack between every tack there to hide it more, but that would be a ton of work (bursitis of the elbow, anyone?) and put lots more holes in the piece, which is a no-no.

It's just such a shame that after all this work and expense the braid is robbing from the beauty of that mohair, but it really is.

I'm stumped. Ideas?

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