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1951 Bathroom renovation: go modern or vintage?

13 years ago

Planning a renovation of master bathroom in 1951 home DH grew up in. Desire larger space for storage and elbow room as well as killing off incredibly ugly yellow and brown tiles and awful, rundown fixtures.

Spending lots of time on Bathroom forum and have assumed the new bath room would have an up-to-date look, traditional. Tonight cruising the Internet I stumbled on a site for people who actually want a 1950's look for their bathroom (and whole house). Some of their renovations were eye catching and stirred pleasant memories of my grandmother's bathroom. It got me wondering if I ought to reconsider the direction I'm heading. Should i renovate with a vintage look in keeping with this home's era?

I am generally a respecter of history and the integrity of a space, but I am just so sick of the these gross colors, the teensy wall mounted sink, the grout lines of 4x4 tiles, etc. This house still has a couple of knotty pine paneled rooms and a few other 1950's features, and though I don't have plans for a wildly contemporary look to this bathroom, it definitely wasn't going to be vintage. But now, I wonder ...?

Anyone have a 1950's house with an updated but vintage-like bathroom? Can I see some photos?

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