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You put your right foot in...

10 years ago

I have a freezer/faucet/DW dilemma, which is slowly being resolved with the moral support of many of you on this board.

BUT NOW!!!!!!!! Not having a DW or water has created a HUGE problem. Started to clean the dishes, by hand (now that I at least have water - DW guys comes Tuesday) that had piled up when I found a waffle iron my daughter had used, pre-problems, that she left on the counter. When I opened it, the leftover waffles were moldy and there were thousands, it seemed, of these itsy, bitsy, tiny white moving creatures. Smaller than a grain of salt, there were so many of them and they were disgusting. Had my son carry the thing right to the outside garbage can. Then noticed them on the counters too - Wanted to vomit first, then burn the house down.

Started my "google"" search... they are "white" mites. Could be either mold or flour mites, both mold and flour were present on the dreaded waffle iron. Determined they are not uncommon in kitchens, but it can be a long and difficult problem to get rid of them. Bottom line is I could find no conclusive way to get rid of them. Some took everything out of their cabinets, threw away any wheat based products, then sprayed everything with a bleach/water product. Others said that didn't work.

So I am now here, begging for real help (not just pity like last time!!!). ANY suggestions are welcome. I have the heeby jeebies.

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