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Hardwood Flooring Cost?

11 years ago

I have been debating between w-t-w carpeting in my LR or refinishing the hardwoods that are underneath.

The function and floor plan of the LR suggest sticking with the carpeting.

However, for the cleanliness factor and appearance, I would prefer hardwood.

Lifting up a bit of my carpet, I see some sort of mastic. I am guessing that, long ago, the PO put some sort of tile down, and I am pretty sure the mastic would then have asbestos. In any case, from what I have found (asbestos or not), in order to remove the tar-like substance, the floor would be ruined anyway, and I'd have to get new HW installed.

I'm trying to come up with some sort of rough estimate for price of HW installation. I want the floor to match my old floor, which is probably oak. Cost is a definite concern because we have our whole basement to do (put back together and take care of a yard drainage i$$sue!), but if I'm going to do HW now, it has to match the other floors (dining room and sun room). In this case, I do not want pre-engineered flooring, yes? Is it "site-finished" flooring that I want, so that I can get everything refinished with the same stain to match?

Such an annoying issue!!! But, even if I get carpeting now, I will likely take it up in 5-7 years and do the HW then. Would be easier because my kids will be older-- would be a logistic hassle now.

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