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CL Shocker- Slipcovered settee

13 years ago

Occasionally, my CL shocks me in a good way (as opposed to the "what in the heck were they thinking? way). I've been looking for a dining area settee for almost a year now. Everything I loved was too expensive. Everything I could justifiably afford was too small, too big or too poorly made. I'll admit to being sort of a furniture snob :-)

Last month, I was doing my weekly search, when this title appeared "Century White Linen Settee $250" posted several days earlier. I held my breath and clicked, assuming it was going to be a typo or a pee stained disaster. It was neither. I emailed the seller right away figuring it was sold. It wasn't. I went to the Century furniture website and checked the model number. It was legit and they usually sell for over $2000 (not including the custom slipcover the seller had made for it) I left work to go see it, assuming something had to be wrong.

Good news, it was exactly as promised. Bad news, it wouldn't fit in my SUV. The seller was so nice. She and her husband delivered it to my work in a neighbor's truck that same night. I had to pay $50 to have it delivered to my house, but it's perfect.

Happy endings do still happen on CL!

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