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12 years ago

I'm 42 years old. My girlfriend and I have a son together. He's 15 months old. I have known my girlfriend since we were both 15 years old.

She has two children from a previous marriage. The boy is 12 and the girl is 16.(two different fathers)

Anyway, from what I gather, the daughter ruined the marriage and has admitted to it. She actually said it was funny. That was 2 years ago.

Since then she has show comeplete disregaurd for anyone that doesn't give her things when she wants something.

A year ago, at 15, she was on her way in the shower and she heard her 11 yearold brother change the channel. She tor after him and litterly beat the crap out of him. He had 32 marks on him including 4 bite marks that drew blood. The mother said sibling rivalry. She has since then hit him and bully him constantly. The mother doesn't seem to care. She actually defends her like its okay. My son, her half brother, I am in fear for. She treats him like a doll. Grabs him by his tiny wrist and yanks him over to her. He ofcourse screams and tries to get away. When I say something to her mother its " thief just playing" "stop picking" she also is a compulsive liar.

she was grounded( if you want to call it that) for two months from phone and internet because she was posting makes pics of herself on Facebook and got caught.

We have a community pool here. One day one of the neighbors told me she was humping some boy in the pool infront of everyone. She lied of course and denied it, her mother beloved her until I asked the neighbors to tell her. She still tried to deny it. Even her brother said it was true and then she threatened to "kick his ass"

Then one glorious day I get attacked by a mother say that she is letting the children who's ages range from 10 to 13, molest her so she can use they're phone. This mother was beat the crap out of her. Four other kids say it was true.

She Denise it and the mother says its fine

(The brother and his 10 year old friend also caught her naked in bed having sex with some random boy 2 years ago) she beat the crap out of him for rafting her out.)

the boy from the pool....... she knew for two days. She also has slonen money from me and robbed 250 dollars from her mothers account.

I love my girlfriend and I fear for my son while I'm at work.

The 12 is affraid and doesn't want to be there anymore.

They mothers response to everything is.... it fine

She walks around like she's the house wife and has said that repeatedly. I can't do anything.....I'm not her father and the terror is never ending.

What can I do

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