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reply, How much is too much

16 years ago

When a couple gets married and conceives their children they arent waiting with baited breath for the day their partner, the same one who swore to love them "till death do us part" wakes up and realises that maybe they didnÂt really mean it, they didnÂt really love with a committed love that will last that long, so they decide to take the easy route, take THEIR LIFE BACK, AND MAKE SOME CHANGES REGARDLESS.

Believe me, coming to the end of every marriage; things get itchy, and unkind, because someone is hurt that they are no longer receiving what they were in the beginning, and what they altered their lives for, because one party has decided to move on, or decides that they will no longer make an effort in loving them. And yes, people actually make significant changes to their lives for their marriage partner, compromise to make the situation easier for the BOTH OF THEM, Especially SAHWs, they are not having kids, making a home, and growing old with this guy for him to change his mind midstream, and start living with, for e.g., another woman, often more agreeable, because she didnÂt experience the hard times, and often younger and easier to look at naked.

Now there is divorce, and the jilted partner, has now to put up with their childrenÂs home being split, and the ex, who no longer loves them, using the circumstances caused by the pain of the broken marriage against them, calling them the deficient parent. God forbid, you suffer when left when you are still in love, and sometimes financially wounded, so your ex, who was happy to start this family, has just decided that they do not want it any more, or that they have found something else that they want, not necessarily better, but often easier.

Divorce with kids involved is horrible for everyone, so I will never lack understanding for the parent left holding the bag, for their hurt and often unavoidable bitterness. It will take awhile to heal, and some stranger that they are forced to now deal with, while it is impossible to avoid being compared to, does not make that healing any easier. As far as I am concerned, the Âhappy to leave party has chosen their new partner, let that party be completely responsible for their happiness, but do not dare demand that the one left, should now bend over for the new one to be happy, especially when the new one happily walked into a marriage or relationship with a Partner who has an ex and kids with that ex, in other words a partner with family baggage. And may I take the opportunity to say, that while the Âhappy to leave party now has the support and companionship, the one left often is still reeling, because they are not allowed the sweet distance for their broken heart to heal, after all they have to share the kids.

These step family issues are not easy, but this is what the step parent has to be prepared to face when choosing a partner with family baggage. Some of these steps, actually have the audacity to compare themselves to the Bio parent, I mean my GOD! Allot of the bio parents only mistake was to suffer for ever having loved the weak minded type of person the ex is, who couldnÂt last in a marriage they chose, and believe me, most men actually asked their ex wives to marry them.

I have news for some of you, beating your chest because you are the loved one, this is the most important thing to you anyway, A weak mind is a weak mind, and a person who could convince themselves that after making a commitment, they have the right to quit for any reason, without working hard to repair it, will easily convince themselves to leave again, as soon as things stop being easy, or simply what they thought it would be.

But i would sincerely hope that some of these steps who post some kinds of self-centred, self serving crap, when they chose a partner with family baggage, but cannot work with that, start acting like they are capable of empathy, and the wisdom gained by life experience to realise that in this life we have to choose wisely, not choose what we want and then demand that everything attached to our choice makes this choice easy for us.

By the way, kids carry allot of resentment of their own when any parent remarries, because their dream of having mummy and daddy back together is being destroyed by the presence of this new person. All of the hurt is not coming from the other bio parent, some is coming from the child, and the step trying to come across as better then the other bio parent is to simply exacerbate the problem this child already has with the Step. After all no kids likes to see a parent leave the house to live with some one else, or leave and before they could become even a little at ease with the parents living apart, they have to put up BF, or GF, who has the love and support of that parent.

That is some scary stuff for any kid, and the hatred directed at athe step for that, has to be dealt with in a reasonable way. It is not the job or should not be the requirement of a child of divorce to make that Step feel better about them self. This child should be allowed some leeway to heal and not have a bunch of selfish demands placed on them by a stranger, because the step finds them hard to deal with. The step didnÂt bring this child into the world, so they are often unwilling to pay the consequences for the childÂs situation of dealing with all of these hurtful changes.

It is often even more difficult for the child to look at one parent hurting or angry, but either way changed, from the person that they were before the split. This just adds to the childÂs anger against the step.

And some of these step parents, would react in the same way, are they jilted in marriage after having kids.

But I guess this isnÂt their problem because for now, it isnÂt their circumstance.

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