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BM color fan--warm neutral for LR, grayish-blue for DR? (LONG)

12 years ago

Sorry this is so long, but both colors have to work together, and I figured more info would keep people from going the wrong direction.

I have read lots about color and looked at tons of pictures, but am as confused as ever as to what colors of paint I should choose. I have no real decorating experience, and do not seem to "see" colors as well as many others do, as in "That has yellow/green/pink tones in it." All I really know is that the colors on the wall now are not right. Not terrible, but they just do not do anything for the overall colors in the rooms furnishings. I have already bought 8 sample pints of BM for the LR, and 5 that I tried in the DR (on ~1 ft x 3 ft pieces of leftover drywall), but all I have figured out so far is that they are either too yellow or too blue.

I just bought the BM Historic and Classic colors fan, and have been trying to decide what to sample next. Before I spend any more money, I am hoping that some of you can help me zero in on certain BM color names or #s. I will tell you what I THINK is going on, but please let me know if I am wrong!

ALL ROOMS--Ceilings are 9 ft, trim is tinted to match bisque kitchen appliances, and reads as off-white. DR & LR have white oak floors stained medium-light, which have an orange-yellowish cast. Lots of green leaves during the summer from the many large oak trees outside the large new windows (slight green tint?). The ONLY thing that will be changed is the wall paint color.

DINING ROOM The DR rug looks great with the floor, and I would like a paint color that completes the look of this room by making the pecan furniture look good, and that transitions well when looking into the LR colors.

**large windows on 2 walls (SE & SW) with the oak trees casting filtered shade in the room during much of the day during the summer, but full sun on non-overcast days from about Oct-May.

**8 x 10 rug, dark grayish-blue field, 8" golden-tan border, narrow rust borders, with small scattered amounts of rust, beiges, & greens throughout.

**pecan (yellowish cast?) DR furniture.

**white bookcases (trim color) on N wall, white cutwork curtain panels,

**DR ceilings are painted 1031, Carlisle Cream (which in some light can have a pinkish cast), down the wall to a 5.5" high trim piece (think picture rail, sort of) that is 18" below the ceiling.

**The paint color has to work with the one chosen for the LR, because there is a 5 ft doorway between them.

Of the 5 colors I have tried for the DR, 1633 Brittany Blue was better than the others, although still too blue. I am thinking of trying HC146 Wedgewood Gray, HC147 Woodlawn Blue, & 2135-60 Summer Shower. Do you think these are going the right direction, should I go with a pale blue tint instead, or other suggestions?

20 ft x 16 ft LIVING ROOM I would really like to minimize the greens (fireplace & rug) and orange (floors, coffee table, and cherry cabinets in next room), and pull out the rich golden tan of the rugs and drapes, and not make the creamy beiges and trim look dirty.

**large windows on 2 walls (SW & NW). There is more sun coming in during the summer now than will be the case when the lower branches eventually grow out on the trees, but there will be sunlight coming in from Oct-May.

**6 ft x 9 ft multi-colored Indian slate (mostly greens, with some greenish-tan, and a little rusty red) on fireplace wall.

**Tapestry drapes have a rich tan background and multiple colors from the rug (reds, rusts, greens, golds) in a large-flowered pattern.

**9 x 12 rug field has a pattern of multiple mini-rugs within it, with several shades of grayish green prevalent, with medium and dark grayish-brown, a golden tan 8" border, and shades of beige/tan/gold with lesser amounts of shades of burgundy/plum/peach; second rug (6 x 10) in room is a multiple small medallion Bokhara with a creamy beige field with small medallions in the border and field in shades of rust and gold, with some beige, tan, & rust, and black accents throughout.

**wood of furniture is medium mahogany, large natural cherry coffee table (orangish), some darker cherry pieces, and walnut.

**upholstered furniture is all fairly new, so it all stays. I goofed on all of it. Sofa has beautiful subtle colors and patterns (burgundy, dark green, tan, some cream), but in daylight reads mostly as dark tan blah. Dull mottled leather wing-backed chair (similar to BM1257, sort of a mauve with a slight rose tint?). Two upholstered chairs were bought to bring out burgundy in rug, and they are a plain rusty burgundy (similar to BM 1302). I will make pillows to provide accent color. But because of the location of everything, the general feel when you walk into the room is one of overall tan/brown blahness. So I want a paint color that will make the rug & drapes sing, since they are the prettiest things in the room, and look sort of lifeless now.

I presently have BM 1032 Bar Harbor Beige on these walls. It is a soft warm color, looks good day & night, is the right shade (I would not want darker, but lighter would be fine). It looks good with the slate fireplace, but does not do anything for the LR furnishings, other rooms, or any of the tile colors in the rest of the house where I have it. The LR ceiling is, and will remain, the trim color.

Of the 8 colors I have tried in the LR, 1045 Lady Finger was best, but had too much yellow when the sun came in, and every color that I tried looked yellow next to the green slate FP. We used HC24 Pittsfield Buff on my old place and did not care for it. In looking at my BM fan deck, I am wondering if some of the colors between 1037-1158 might work, or HC57 (too pink?). Could Sierra Hills 1053, Sea Urchin 1052, or Home Sweet Home 1088 work? Or please point me in another direction, or help me narrow down the range of chips to consider.

I am not at all sure that I am in the right shade range; maybe I should go lighter on both colors? Any small bit of help about either of the colors would be greatly appreciated!


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