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Arghhh...Cat urine on oriental rug

Not decorating, I know, but my decorating is taking a back burner to this! Arghh. Or ughh, maybe...

My cat, with health issues, has had a few urine accidents. Downstairs we have a large handmade wool oriental rug in the living room. I can tell she had an accident there but even crawling around on hands and knees I canÂt tell exactly where. It has a busy pattern so I canÂt see anything. I donÂt want to take the risk of a cleaner bleaching this rug. What cleaner/deodorizer is safe to use? They all say on the label. "Test for colorfastness in an inconspicuous area", but there are no hidden areas on an 8 x 10 rug. No areas are covered by furniture. ItÂs so heavy and thick 2 of us canÂt even pick it up, or IÂd carry it outside. Cover the whole rug with baking soda and vacuum it up after a few days?

If they are on wall-to-wall regular carpet I have been using Oxyclean carpet cleaner, followed by a pet odor spray, "NatureÂs Miracle 3 in 1 Odor Destroyer". But the Oxyclean does seem to slightly bleach the carpet. The Oxyclean lists hydrogen peroxide as an ingredient; I guess thatÂs what is doing the bleaching.

Should I skip the carpet cleaner (just blot, then use water) and go right to the deodorizer? I bought another brand, "Shaw Carpet Stain and Soil Remover", but have not tried it yet. There are no ingredients listed on the Shaw product.

Actually in most areas I donÂt catch her at it, so donÂt know where it happened. I can only tell by my nose when I walk in the room. Or my husband can tell, which is worse, as he is finicky about the litter box as it is. I do not have a sensitive nose for this kind of odor. I would prefer he not know how often this is happening.

I am posting here because if I use the cleaning tips forum I will get a lot of advertising replies and it will be hard to sort out the legitimate ones.

Thanks for the help.

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