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A sea of brown in my entry

11 years ago

We have a small entry foyer. The pic shows pretty much the whole thing. The "wall" opposite this is the stairway.

The floor is a terracotta color tile with dark green accents. There is a runner on the stairs that provides some color -- green mostly, with rusty red and beige. But then this wall, which I like in a way because it's different and quirky and people love seeing the photos, is mostly Brown. I don't want to really replace anything here, but I'm wondering if I should maybe paint the church pew a fun color, or maybe leave the pew as is, paint the frame of the "photo collage" and get a colorful pillow or two. (I normally have a pillow here but it's...yes...tones of brown and beige).

Not sure how this happened, as I generally do like color. So, I need to remedy it. WWYD?

BTW, this foyer is used by us as we pass through it on our way to other parts of the house. Everyone uses the back door, except for people who don't know us well! So that is one reason why our foyer decor is more quirkly and less traditional. We don't have a need for storage here, or a coat tree, shoe storage, etc...

Comments (26)

  • 11 years ago

    I would not paint the pew or the photo frame *yet* but would try some brightly patterned pillows to see if that does it for you.

    Your pic reminded me once again of the fact I've wanted a church pew for many years and have yet to find one I like. Must start a search. Yours is a perfect size.

  • 11 years ago

    I actually see a lot of color in the photos so it doesn't look as brown as you describe. But what about painting the metal flower sculpture a bright and fun color?

    This post was edited by olychick on Wed, Aug 28, 13 at 14:09

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  • 11 years ago

    I love the personality of your entry! I'd paint the frame of the photo collage, though I'd go soft rather than "fun"; maybe a pale blue or aqua, trying to lighten it up but not make the frame a focal point. Then either a couple of pillows or an upholstered seat cushion for the pew, though it looks like there might be some very pretty detailing in the seat that you might not want to cover - hard to see on my monitor. I would not paint the pew. I like its authenticity. Painted, it might take on a TJ Maxx / Home Goods feel and lose its richness.

  • 11 years ago

    i agree with lazydaisy to paint the frame and add some pillows, perhaps related to the color from that accent tile (a little lighter).

  • 11 years ago

    Yes to pillows. And instead of painting the collage frame, how about using a different mat color for a subtle change? Black would give it more presence, but maybe another color would tie it in to the pillow colors and work.

  • 11 years ago

    I like the pillow idea and olychick's idea to paint the metal flower.

  • 11 years ago

    Love the pew! Please don't paint it.

    I think there is a lot of brown and I think it would be best to offset it with a secondary color...probably blue as that's what I'm seeing in a lot of the family pics and I love blue with terra cotta, though it looks like you have some teal there which also would be a possibility, but there's not enough of any secondary color to add enough dominance to offset the brown of the pew and the stair rail.

    I wouldn't start with the collage frame, but with all the other accessories...the flower is brown, the door bell is brown, the mirror frame is brown, the wall switch is brown, and I can't quite see what's above the wall switch, but it is dark...is that a picture in a brown frame? Pick a color and then make it a theme.

    I agree about adding a pillow or two to the pew, but I'd like to see a cushion in color there too.

  • 11 years ago

    Can you paint the wall instead?

    This post was edited by geokid on Wed, Aug 28, 13 at 23:59

  • 11 years ago

    I'd paint the foyer and leave everything else as is.

  • 11 years ago

    Cute space, and I love the floor.

    A few thoughts:

    1. You need textiles. A rug maybe, a cushion, and pillow(s).

    2. I find a light welcoming and pleasant; is there anyway you can add a table and lamp?

    3. I used to like mirrors everywhere, till someone pointed out not to put mirrors up unless you like what reflects in them. From this angle, I think the reflection in the mirror isnt something you actually want to highlight?

    4. The layout on the wall doesn't look balanced to me (it may be the angle). Part of the reason is that the light switch and the box way above it (is it a chime maybe?) read as brown items and part of the scheme. Can you paint them out so they disappear? Then revisit where the layout of all the items on the wall to see if you can make it more balanced?

  • 11 years ago

    There are a few problems with painting. One is that it wouldn't be just painting the foyer...it would be painting the stairway and upstairs hall because it's one continuous space. And I don't really like "accent walls."

    Mtn, there is no outlet on the wall anywhere in the foyer. There is an overhead light but I agree, if there were an outlet there, a lamp would be nice. On the other hand, there really isn't room for a table. I have thought about a table before but couldn't figure one that worked in terms of scale, size, style.

    There is a 3x5 rug in front of the door (the front door was behind me when I took the pic). I don't really think there's space for a second rug. But I am in agreement that a cushion on the bench and 1-2 colorful pillows are good ideas.

    Oh, the mirror -- I know that rule, but, you know, I need somewhere to check my hair before answering the door or running out in my pj's to grab the paper.

    Yeah, that doorbell chime is bugging me too -- esp. looking at it in the photo. Hmmm. Paint it the wall color? Maybe.

    PS the metal flower originally was supposed to go outside. Maybe I'll put it back outside and get something colorful to put in its place. An umbrella stand with a couple colorful umbrellas "staged" in it? Too contrived, maybe...

  • 11 years ago

    hmmm, I know you said you did not really want to change anything but I think that collage is just overwhelming for the space and should be reduced to a smaller size. It won't be the only thing you see then. And don't touch that pew or the metal flower! And for some changeable color you could add it next to the flower in the form of a colorful gathering basket with flowers or scarves or whatever is the season.

  • 11 years ago

    I agree that the collage is overwhelming. I wonder if it would be easier to digest if it was broken up into a triptych...

    On the doorbell, depending on how it's made, you may not be able to paint the pipes, but you could probably paint the cover to match the wall...

    If you want to add a table to the space to put down keys or such, you can do it by mounting a shelf directly to the wall...it can be like a demilune or another shape. On our riverboat cruise, our room had an arched piece of glass mounted to the wall which became a very small desk area. It was surprisingly useful.

  • 11 years ago

    I see why painting is out. I don't find the collage overwhelming, but something is off balance. Too many rectangles? And the art above the collage is distracting.

    I'd try centering the collage on the wall. This will bring it away from the door chimes and help balance that out. I'd remove the art above the collage and I'd replace your square mirror with a smaller round one. Also definitely fabric on the bench.

  • 11 years ago

    Could you post a pic of the of the wall leading to the stairs and upstairs hall? Because, like a couple of the others, I was going to suggest you paint the wall another color.

  • 11 years ago


    What about a hard wired sconce(s) for subtle lighting? Having a pair may help "frame" the collage (which I love) and the space. If you don't want to go to the expense of hard wiring, maybe candle sconces with those battery powered tealights? Also like the idea of a colorful, patterned and textural cushion for the bench, but, in my house, I would nix the pillows for such utilitarian seating, as I would not want pillows in the way of putting stuff down on the bench or perching to put boots on, etc. Also, having pillows on the such a bench would, IMO, look like you-know-what on a bull (I am also anti "for decorative purposes only" pillows on beds, chairs and sofas but that is just my .02, for others it's great, just not in my house).


  • 11 years ago

    Okay, so the photo board isn't going anywhere because it is the brainchild of DH, who rarely has ideas or opinions on decor. He loves that photo board. And we get positive comments from everyone who sees it. I know it's sort of a weird thing, but there you have it.

    We don't need a table to set down keys or anything, because we don't use our front door.

    Geo, yes, I have decided since looking at my photo that I'm going to take down that picture that's hanging over the photo board. Actually, the collage and the pew are centered on the wall. May be an optical illusion in my photo. Round mirror, there's an idea. I like it.

    I do appreciate and understand everyone's suggestions, but I'm not painting the walls and definitely not doing electrical work.

    Sandy, this space isn't used for anything practical like putting shoes on. We use our back door. I don't think anyone has ever sat on the bench! So everything is all about looks here, not practicality (except for my need for a mirror!).

    Coincidentally, a friend who is making window treatments for a couple of bedrooms in my house emailed me yesterday to set up a time to come over, and I told her I have a cushion project for her too! I'm thinking just a seat cushion and one fab pillow. For a start...

  • 11 years ago

    On the door bell, we covered our with an old galvanized bucket. It doesn't muffle the sound and fits better with our decor. How about a rug thrown over the back of the pew. Maybe a few kilmn pillows. Though your large photo collection may over power the space I know it's probably a conversation piece and brings much joy.
    I'd get rid of the other 2 decor pictures.
    Your tile and pew are gorgeous.

  • 11 years ago

    I think you are on the right track with the cushion. It is functional (even if you don't sit down to tie your shoes) and adds color to break up the brown.

    I was going to suggest taking all but the great photo board down (leave the bench and flower) Then, add back the items on the wall one by one. Sometimes starting over from a blank slate can give you a new perspective vs. attempting to adjust items one by one.

  • 11 years ago

    My first thought when I saw your picture was to take everything down on that wall except DH's picture board. Take away the mirror, side picture and things over the board. Add cushion/pillows in something colorful and look into a floor runner (something that won't slip but give color. Then put a throw "flopped" over the back corner of the pew.

  • 11 years ago

    Paint the pew with a lighter shade of the green medallions on the floor--- a pretty sage-y, piney green, then put a colorful pad on the seat. Pillows will fall off of be pushed off when someone needs to sit there. A nicely tailored, piped pad will perform the same function as the pillows but will also bring a much needed softness to the pew. Church pews are the most uncomfortable seats ever.

  • 11 years ago

    I know it's hard to read every part of a thread, but no one EVER sits here. Anyway, my sewing friend was here today and as soon as I find time to get fabric, she will make me a cushion, and maybe a pillow (unless I find an "over the counter" pillow that I like).

    Today I also took down the picture above the photo board. I may remove the other stuff, just not sure. I need some kind of mirror, and I love my little antique camera bag under the mirror. Got it at the Zurich flea market.

    Still a work in progress, and I do appreciate all the suggestions. I'll be away for a few days so no time to do more until next week...

  • 11 years ago

    I know it's hard to read every part of a thread, but no one EVER sits here. Anyway, my sewing friend was here today and as soon as I find time to get fabric, she will make me a cushion, and maybe a pillow (unless I find an "over the counter" pillow that I like).

    Today I also took down the picture above the photo board. I may remove the other stuff, just not sure. I need some kind of mirror, and I love my little antique camera bag under the mirror. Got it at the Zurich flea market.

    Still a work in progress, and I do appreciate all the suggestions. I'll be away for a few days so no time to do more until next week...

  • 11 years ago

    Definitely keep the photo board!

    This is a prime example of where shelter mags can lead us astray. I sometimes think that we are so used to seeing their version of the world's interiors, that we forget how we really want to live.

    I don't even know you, and even I wanted to see the photos on that board; in fact I thought I may have spotted the "J Crew" from your son'd b-day on there. Most of the people in your home care more about you then decor, and the ever changing photo board would, I'm sure, be pleasing and interesting to all. It doesn't hurt to have a good looking family and a good photographer, either!

    I think removing it would be bowing to the shelter mag gods, whose skills are many but who don't seem to know how to make a house a home.

  • 11 years ago

    I really like your foyer as is. I love the photo board.

    I think the addition of the cushion and pillow will help break up the brown and is a good idea.

    If that's not enough, maybe remove some of the other items but I wouldn't paint the pew or anything else.