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mom2emall to stop it!

15 years ago

So what would you do about a 5 year old who continues to hit people? SS5 has been hitting a lot lately. He has hit the dog and his siblings. We have talked to him about it over and over again, asked him how he would like it if they hit him, and put him in time-out. With the dog incidents we talked to him about making the dog angry and the dog biting him. Told him if he made the dog bite him we would have to get rid of the dog and then maybe the dog would have to be put to sleep.

Well today he punched again and made someone's nose bleed! I asked him why??? His response" Well I did not want help up!!!" After spinning on a chair till he fell off someone else tried to help ss up and he decided to show them he did not need help by punching them in the face???!!! I never went through this with my son or my sd's so I am racking my brain trying to figure out a way to put this hitting phase to an end. My dh is also at a loss.

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