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wake up and smell the snow job....

18 years ago

I'm at my ropes end with living life as a step mother. I really hate it. I have all the usual complaints such as my needs and wants are always put on the back burner, my freedom is gone, I have zero respect, I get no love or attention from my husband, I get little or no back up in the discipline area, there is no extra money because of numerous spendy custody & support battles over the years, and because of it I harbor a general feeling of hate and resentment 24/7 which makes me very crabby to be around. The biggest reason for this mess I call "life" is the fact that my husband is bound and determined to be the hero at all costs...a best buddy...the push over. The favorite parent no matter what it takes. Anything but authoritative. My two teenage step sons are beyond spoiled and manipulative. The oldest who is 19 (and is blessing his BM's life 4000 miles away from me now....thank God) was the worst. He was extremely rude. He respected nobody. Not me. Not his father. Not his teachers. His mother. Nobody. He lied constantly, stole from our medicine cabinet, the liquor cabinet, and one gift shop that I know of. We had to lock our bedroom door from the outside when we weren't home to keep him out of our stuff. He skipped school often. He and his friends made very lewd/prank phones calls to me at my workplace, he had horrible grades, he was lazy, he didn't want to work, he expected money to be handed to him for nothing, he played online video games an average of 60 hours per week. Yes....60 hours! When he did go out with his buddies he'd be gone for 2 or 3 days and we had no clue where he was or when to expect him back. One summer he refused to go visit his BM (she has 6 weeks visitation in the summer) because she bought him the wrong cell phone for his birthday. Petty eh? I could write volumes about the antics of the oldest but I think you all get the jist of the hell I went through up until he left? I thought when he went to live with his mother things would be better but the younger one, who is 17, is only slightly easier to deal with. He has bad grades too, has never made it through a school year without multiple suspensions and detentions, when the phone rings the odds are good that it's the principal or the police, has no desire to get a real job, expects free money from dad, and a free vehicle to drive, and his choice of friends scare me. I'm talking about they have guns scarey. The house the youngest child spent the night at three weeks ago was shot at by ticked off gang want-to-be's that he and his friends encountered and argued with earlier in the evening. This happened only two blocks from my own home....and this is a good neighborhood. I don't want that brand of trouble in my life or that close to my own property. And my hubby just blows it all off..... He says "you can't hang out with those kids anymore" and then the next day drops him off at their front door. I live with this arbitray changing of the rules daily an it makes me crazy!!

I have no real say in how my husband deals with his kids. Believe me I've tried. They're not my kids and I should just butt out is the usual B.S. that is thrown up in my face. If my husband would pull his head out of the sand for a few minutes and see for himself that his kids do not walk on water and that they need more discipline and less slack from him things may improve around here. This won't likely happen but I can dream. His kids have called the shots for years. Why is this do you ask?? Becasue it's always been a big competition between him and his ex-wife as to who's going to be the favorite parent. The result....spoiled manilpulative brats. While it's too late for the oldest one the younger one is still living here for two more years and maybe things can change and life can be better than it has up until now?? (yes...if you're doing the math....he's a 17 year old sophomore...bad grades mean you get held back)

What can I do to cope with the step kid(s) from hell and the oblivious husband for at least two more years until the last one is out of the house? I've tried talking to my husband about it all, yelling, screaming, crying, begging, pleading, giving him books to read on the subject of blended families and what doesn't work, writing it in letter form for him to read, counseling, church, xanax, and chardonnay. I'm so close to the light at the end of the tunnel....and I cannot afford a divorce right now....any advice???

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