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Hurt and angry

15 years ago

I am really hurt and angry right now. I posted before about feeling like a doormat for my younger sister. Her and her child moved in with us before Christmas. I have been babysitting for her child. Was doing it full-time and then when I felt unappreciated I cut it down to part-time. I still watch her child 3 days per week and occasionally on weekends.

I gave her 2 dates recently that I needed a sitter for our two girls. One was for a babyshower because my dh would be working. One was for a date night for me and my dh with another couple.

So yesterday was the babyshower. My sister stayed out all night (another family member watched her child-not me). She came home with her boyfriend and I left for the shower. My dh called to check on the girls a little while later and found out that my sister and her new bf went to bed!!! On my way home I called to check in and she acted like she was up the whole time. My dh said he talked to the girls two hours into the time and they were still up by themsleves and no lunch! He told them to get themselves something to eat and wake my sister if there were any problems.

So I made a comment to her that I heard she slept the whole time. She said "I was tired and slept but my bf got up at ___ and kept an eye on them." First of all that time was a lie. Second of all I asked HER to watch them!!

So next weekend me and dh are supposed to have our night out. My sister said that girls at work are doing a girls night out and her bf offered to watch her son and our girls so she could go out.

I am livid!! We asked her months in advance to babysit and now she is trying to pass the buck again!! Its not that I do not like her bf. He is a great guy actually and I like him a lot. Most times I find him to be way more responsible than her! What I have a problem with is that I asked her to do these things.

I do not even know how to approach this. Do I say No, I want you watching the kids...too bad if you miss your night out? Do I have someone else come to my house to watch our kids instead? And when she asks why her bf is not watching them do I just lay on a guilt trip? Do

I confront her about her selfishness? I know if I confront her it will be a fight and she will not see her wrongs.

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