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decorators are magic.

15 years ago

WOW. I am so full of excitement and adrenaline I feel like I could run straight up one of my newly decorated walls.

Some friends of mine here in town have used this guy, Tom, who is --get this -- $20 an hour. He comes to your house and uses only what you've got -- doesn't push you to buy anything, even when you ask him for recommendations -- just rearranges your stuff to make your house look magically different.

What he has done to my living room is AMAZING. Before he came, my furniture was pushed up against the walls: everything looked too small or too big, the walls looked too bare, I had stuff in the wrong places but couldn't figure out how to get it where it needed to be. Now it's grouped attractively, miserable traffic pattern notwithstanding: I can still get in and out the doors, but suddenly it all looks like it belongs together, and is charmingly eclectic rather than a mishmash. Now the ugly brass-and-glass door is off my fireplace, and a painting is hung strategically off center just above it, and suddenly the fireplace "unit" (a half-wall of adobe brick stretching to the ceiling) looks pretty, not like an eyesore. He wants me to group avocado green pillar candles in the fireplace during the summertime. Would I ever in a million years have thought of avocado green pillar candles on my own? And while it feels silly writing it, I can see that he's completely right.

My art, ceramics, etc are grouped attractively on the walls. He moved things around so that the Peruvian folk art I'd sort of stuck on a bookcase now looks like a design element, like it's there intentionally, of a piece with the other things grouped around it. Suddenly I have *two* cozy, nicely arranged reading nooks in my tiny LR: I had none before! I finally hung the antique textile I've been contemplating hanging -- had been getting totally perfectionist about how I wanted to do it, making it mentally into a daylong project and I don't have the day to do it! But he cut through my excuses, and now it's up on the wall and maybe it's not perfect, but it's really nice.

He inspired me to move the behemoth loveseat out of my MBR and rearrange the furniture there, too, and suddenly the whole room feels lighter. (DH will be peeved, because he loves that ugly loveseat for some reason, but he's going to have to deal.) And the Habitat Restore $20 chair I've been wanting to recover without its current skirt: he sat right down and ripped the skirt off for me so I could really see it, and it looks fabulous -- my instincts were completely right, the underside of the chair has these sexy curves and the skirt was hiding them. (he also confirmed that it is, in fact, a really expensive chair and an amazing find, and will last us forever.)

Wow, wow, wow. Not all his suggestions worked, of course. He's into deep color on the walls, I like pale neutrals: he wanted to drape another textile diagonally across a wall and I knew that wasn't going to work for us. You always have to cherry-pick. But having a fresh pair of eyes in here, and an educated pair of eyes, who could move quickly through the house and know just what to do to it, was incredible. It feels like I'm suddenly living in someone else's nicely decorated home -- but with all my beloved stuff. (: For $60! Woo-hoo!

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