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Would you accept a contingency offer?

13 years ago

If your property had been on the market with little interest for months, would you take an offer like this?

1/There is an existing offer with no contingencies (cash offer) but very low compared to asking price.

The contingency offer is this:

1/Offer is within 10% of full asking and is willing to go within 5% of full asking.

2/Contingent on buyer's sale of existing property within 60 days and immediate (within additional 30 days) closing. Seller can continue to show property and give the contingency buyer 24 hours to respond to a higher offer orwithdraw and allow the seller to sell to the better offer.

3/Buyer's property is "perfect" according to real estate evaluations, but in a development where sales are slow.

My tendency would be to wait a few months to see if the better but contingent offer played out. Most lowball cash offers are "if no one else wants it" with little actual timeframe involved, so may be on the table months later (in my limited experience).

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