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Which breakfast table should I keep?

16 years ago

Somehow (having absolutely nothing to do with my obsession with craigslist and/or flea market shopping!) I seem to have ended up with 2 different breakfast table sets. I can only keep one of them. I need you to pick which one.

Here's the long version. Our kitchen is "farmhouse" style, with shaker cabinets and hardwood floors. Here's some old pics (I'd take new ones, but the kitchen is kind of a wreck right now!). We have a different, more farmhouse-y light fixture over the island and some of the decor has changed, but the basic cabinets and such are still the same.

The table we're currently using (the one you can see in the background of the last picture) is a set we received as a wedding gift. It's mexican distressed pine covered with a wax finish. It was pricey when we got it (about $3K for the table and 6 chairs). I love the big fat legs and the table itself is solid as a rock. But since then, my kids have done a number on the wax - I've rewaxed but the finish is still blotchy. The chairs are starting to get a little wobbly and the seats have cracked and been reglued in a few spots. The distressed tabletop is getting on my nerves as well - all the little dents in it trap food and make it very hard for the kids to do homework at the table. We bought it for our last house and it was always a bit of an awkward fit in our current breakfast area. And I was just getting sick of it after 10 years. So I started looking for a new table.

I'm really attracted to a certain style - not sure what it's called, but I'll call it "schoolhouse" since that's what it reminds me of. Big oak tables with straight shaker legs. Chairs with slats down the back. Schoolhouse light fixtures with big glass globes. You'd know it if you saw it. So anyhow, I ended up with a set of schoolhouse chairs and an oak schoolhouse table. They didn't cost much (I think maybe about $100 for everything) so I won't be broken hearted if I don't end up using them - I'm sure I could craigslist them and get my money back.

Right now, I have both tables set up in the kitchen because we had a party last weekend. I now need to decide which one to get rid of and which one to keep. I really like the schoolhouse style set but my friend told me it brings back bad memories of her catholic school days, and my mom wasn't a fan either. Both of them think I'm crazy to get rid of my current table. I like the style of the new one better (though I'll admit the table is a bit wobbly and needs refinishing). The chairs need painting or refinishing as well - I would probably paint them black or the dark red that is on the hanging cabinet in the kitchen. I also like that the newer table is a little narrower - our breakfast area is a weird trapezoidal shape and I think a narrower table would work better.

Of course, there's a whole final option, which I only just thought of when I set up both tables side by side for the party - perhaps a big round table would be the best fit of all given our space. That would require me scrapping both tables and finding a round one (and I have to admit that I haven't been a fan of most round tables I've seen - seems vintage round tables are always more formal than I'd like). But maybe that would give me the best fit given the odd shape of the breakfast area.

Anyhow, without further ado, here's the tables. (In the pictures that show both tables next to each other, the tables are rotated 90 degrees from where they'll be once there's only one table.) I apologize for the cruddy quality - a lot of these are old pictures that weren't specifically taken to show the table.

Cast your vote!

Current table:

New table:

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