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3 photos, 2 for Stewie and one of a finished craft project...

FlamingO in AR
15 years ago

Here's a great shot of Beeswax, Stewie. He's been taking cutie-pie lessons from you! What was a bit bothersome was that I was TRYING to work on this quilt while he and his brothers were taking turns standing and napping on it.

This is Murphy being pretty handsome himself. He's think they've each got a quilt, he's so cross-eyed. lol

And no thanks to any of them (Sammie didn't get his photo taken, he was sitting on it as I stitched the binding and leaning against my shoulder, he kept nodding off and bumping me, it was so stinkin' sweet) I finally finished my first real quilt. Whaddaya think? Too dull? Too muted? roflmao

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