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Tax Rebate - Part Deux

16 years ago

Well, it looks like we may be able to end the class warfare here on the board. The Senate has proposed - and will probably pass - its own rebate program which removes the AGI limitation of the House plan and gives $500 rebates to virtually all Americans. Assuming that this does in fact pass, the Senate and the House will then work their differences out in conference and try to reach a compromise acceptable to both chambers.

Stay tuned.

Oh, and BTW, the Senate version still includes the extra $300 rebate per child, so although we lose the opportunity to engage in vitriolic debate about the posters here who are too wealthy to "deserve" a rebate, we can still have arguments between those who have children and those who don't.

Okay people. Return to your corners and be prepared to come out swinging. Round two is about to begin.

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