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okay did we get taken again ?

Like this saga has been going on for a year... LOL
Finally got the well guy out here...
We, esp me, want to know the wells depth in this old money pithouse,
LIke mentioning before we had only a 6 gallon pressure tank....
Thought we would only get a new pressure tank...a n approx 20 gallon one... and not the replaceable bladder type...
Plus WE got to witness them pull up the pipes to find the depth of the well... and unforeseen event ...of them trying to "fish out " the previous years ago, two sections of older not even sch 40 pipe... that previously must have been dropped and not taken out of the well... What an adventure watching.. so many suggestions were made to retrive old,old thin pvc pipes..
Anyway well guy talked Hubby into putting in a NEW submersible type a stainless steel
also new pvc schedule 80 this time....
To my dismay I looked at box later .. It is only a 1/2 HP...unit... an "Aeromotor" brand 230 -2 w P4 unit...

The one taken out was a Sta flo jet type wth a 3/4 HP motor...
So do yall think we got taken???
In other words did he just want to unload that unit. The box it was in was pretty ragged...
I read other reviews on say for example Flotec brand saying they were not powerful enough to do the job(1/2 Hp) units that is...burned up..
Hubby is pretty wise, but not real knowlegeable about wells yet...
So estimated amount was double that was quoted last week. Oh but they did put in a bypass and faucet in well pump house...
Also replaced the little 1/2 inch vent with a 1 and 1/4 inch .... one...
Now without running water in house... Hubby said wait till tomorrow to turn on pump... So that mud can settle back and to flush out system....
, remove newly installed filters from NEW whole house filters, and remove aerators etc....flush lines
Not too happy thatthis submerible unit isnt a convrtible from230 volt to 110 likeprevious jet type....too
Oh well will hope for the best..

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