10 best things you ever put in your mouth.
15 years ago
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- 15 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
- 15 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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The coolest NATURAL thing you ever saw in your garden.
Comments (63)Enjoying all of these posts...thanks so much for sharing them with us!! I feed a number of squirrels and have a bird feeding table and suet hangers,etc. I have one very fat squirrel who fusses at me when the seed gets low or gone. One morning I was about to step through the garden gate when for some reason I stopped. Not 6 inches from my face on the gate post was this squirrel...not moving a muscle...I stared in to his face and as luck would have it I had my camera. Now..I'll have to go and find out how to post the picture. I admit I was scared...one never knows what these fellas will do. He just sat there and then suddenly jumped down and ran to the tree where the feeders are. It was a little close for comfort..but..he's here all of the time and a lot of mornings he's on the fence outside the back door...just waiting for me. He will come on the patio and get seed but I don't try it often...it's best if he continues on in his own world...too close to mine might make him a little too tame. He actually let me move my hand up and snap a photo...glad to have it of him..he's really a part of the garden and back yard...now I can remember him! :)))))...See MoreWhat's the Best thing you've ever done?
Comments (44)Thankful that, after borrowing my allowance ahead from Dad on a few occasions and having been forced to stretch the pennies for some months afterward, to heed Dad's advice that if I couldn't pay cash for something ... to not buy it: wait till later, when I had the cash on hand. And build up some cash on hand, available in case of need.They said on the radio the other day that many people, earning $100.00 ... are spending $160.00! One can't continue a hobby like that for any length of time, without getting badly burned! Dad taught mne to be a good neighbour ... and my boss told folks a couple of thousand years ago that we should love our neighbours as ourselves. Seems to me wise to be courteous, generous and kind to others, even to offering a smile to folks that we meet on the street, in the supermarket, etc. ... or making a friendly comment: usually I get a reply that includes at least a small portion of warmth, and oftern there's a smile that each carries away, to brighten one's day a bit. Seldom do I get that look that offers even a slight suggestion that it'd be a good idea were I to get lost! Dad used to say that he wanted to leave the farm better than he found it, and brother, the retired farmer, feels the same. Though they may not have articulated such, they'd say that they wanted to leave their community better than they found it, as well - and both did. I agree ... and my definition of community stretches to our province, nation and the wider world. We'll either learn to live together, showing concern for the welfareof others ... or we could well all die together. Years ago we were worried about being fried to a crisp with those horrendous bombs ... but now it appears that our demise may be brought about by wasting precious resources and causing massive global warming and pollution. Unless we smarten up. Those seem to be my major good things ... thus far. ole joyfuelled ... who's been known to dispense gas ... as well as burning it...See MoreName 10 Things You Love About Your Oldhouse
Comments (15)I've been in my 'new' home for nine months now, and wouldn't trade it at all. It's from between 1920 and 1930, and even though there's a lot of work to be done, there's treasure abounds.. The genuine hardwood flooring in every room. The kitchen has tiles over the lovely floor, but I'll see about removing those... 9. Except for the newer front door and back door, all theinterior doors are the originals. Each door has a crystal-cut glass (assumeably) knob, the locks are still in tact even though I need to buy a key for them, and every one has the original brass faceplate and hinge and pins. 8. The very deep and extremely heavy enamel-coated cast iron tub. No, it's not a clawfoot, but it's still nice. :) 7. That of all the crappy remodeling things done to the house, someone had enough insight to install ceiling fans in all the rooms. The house has NO insulation, none of the windows open and gets very, very hot here in summer... 6. Mr. Kent, the spookie that still resides here and likes to play little pranks on us when he's bored. The Kents were the first renters of this house before my neighbor's mother bought it. He's harmless, but he does do some interesting things lol 5. The mysterious crumbling shack in front of where I park the car. It's got two little rooms with floors and one wide space that's still dirt, but too narror for a car (even a Model T). The smaller one has lots of shelves, and the longer one is, well, empty. There's an old trunk key and remnants of really ugly wallpaper. Both doors have the skeleton lock and a white porcelain doorknob. 4. The two great pecan trees in the front yard, the many rosebushes, the blueberry bush, the tigerlilies and night-blooming jasmines... I'm going to help and revamp all the lovely plants, but I can't wait for pecan pie this fall! 3. The abundance of cabinets... They go up to the ceiling. //_o Even on a chair I can't reach them, but if nothing else there's room to put stuff. 2. The lovely brick fireplace that was once the centerpiece of my livingroom. It's been painted white and brown ( //_X) and the terracotta hearthstone needs to be replaced, but it's absolutely lovely. 1. The MAGNIFICENT upright piano dating back to 1915 that's been in the house since it was new and has remained here ever since. I've got someone coming in this week to tell me how much restoration it needs, but I fully intend to save this piece of history....See More10 best things you've ever put into your mouth
Comments (16)Trying not to run to the fridge: A cup of fresh strong coffee with a bit of cream. Anything chocolate, any time, any place. Sweet scallops broiled with butter. Fresh strawberries. Oven-roasted asparagus with olive oil. Grilled cheese sandwich with fresh tomatoes on top of the cheese. Sunshine Hollow Vidalia onion-tomato dressing, suggested to me by someone on this forum. My fruit salad of sliced oranges, pears, bananas, currants, toasted sunflower seeds, with some Drambuie mixed in. My Crocked Pot Roast. Perfect key lime pie. Could go on and on!...See More- 15 years agolast modified: 9 years ago
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