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My 2nd annual cookie exchange

16 years ago

My friend and I had it last night for about 45 women. It was a lot of fun, with awards and general silliness. Everyone also brought a wrapped toy for a donation. Best of all, I finally got a chance to meet Becky (booberry).

Here are pictures of the winning cookies:

The santa cookie won the Michael Jackson award for the cookie that has the most work done.

The mouse won the PMS award for best use of chocolate,

The chocolate caramel nut treasure (Becky's!) won the Jon Bon Jovi/ Matthew McConnahy (sp?) for the cookie you most want to take a bite out of, and the pointsettia sugar cookie won the Audrey Hepurn award for the classic cookie that never goes out of style. The last cookie, with the crushed peppermint, won the coveted Charlie Brown Christmas Tree award for the cookie that may look humble, but shows a lot of love. (the winning cookie looked much more humble). HEre is the prize she won:


She was a good sport and laughed. She gets to keep the trophy for a year and will help choose next year's winner.


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