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How shall I frame/display these botanical prints plus other art?

16 years ago

A few months ago I purchased some botanical prints from eBay with the idea I could display them in my living room or dining room. I have a set of 4 larger prints (9" x 11.5") and a set of 2 smaller prints (6.5" x 10") that also have a descriptive page about each print. The larger ones are copies of prints from a botanical book and the smaller ones are actually pages from a botanical book.

Here they are:


I'd like some suggestions for framing that don't involve an arm and a leg. Should I use matting? If so what kind/color to show them off to their advantage. I do have a couple of other pieces in the dining room with an ivory matting. Does all the matting need to be the same in the room?

For the smaller ones, should I include the descriptive page or attach that to the back?

As for frames many of the existing frames in this room are a gold/gilt so was thinking to stick with that, though perhaps a less ornate style for the larger ones.

For groupings I was wondering if I should group the 4 larger ones all together on a wall (perhaps to the left of the fireplace) or do a set of 2 and another set of 2 (flanking the sideboard?)

Tomorrow I am finally going to pick up this painting from CL which I plan to put over my mantle (with accent lights):


In addition, I picked up two more smaller ones (one framed, one unframed). Temporarily one is over the mantle, but that will move. I was thinking perhaps one on either of the short walls in my living room or one opposite my entry. The unframed one is really not very good quality. I picked it up at an estate sale for $2 (price was right) so don't want to feature it too much, but the other one of the two ladies is beautiful, but obviously too small for the mantle.


Here are a copy of smaller pics I have in the dining room. I think they are too close together and I should move them apart a few inches, but perhaps they should go elsewhere?:



I know I need more artwork for the walls which will evolve over time, but I would really like to put up what I have so far. Suggestions are most welcome!

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