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Hey! Dummies! :-) (6 pix, warning)

Recently there was a thread about cooking bone-in ribeye roast. Many methods were discussed.

I also was invited recently on Canadian Thanksgiving to an event and had ribeye. It was done medium, it was tender, and delicious. I have not cooked ribeye for a while. It has not been necessary to spend that kind of money when I can sous vide any cut of beef to be as tender and delicious.

A friend was coming to visit. I decided to serve ribeye. I bought two bone-in ribeye steaks each about 1 1/4" thick.

Friend wanted Medium, and I prefer Medium rare. No big deal.

Set sous vide cooker to 125 F, for both. 24 hours later, took one out and set temperature to cook the other at 138 F for an hour. Then add some ice cubes to temper the temperature and reset the cooker to 125 F to warm up both steaks to 125F.

Meanwhile I had the Himalayan salt block heated up in the oven with an IR thermometer to make sure that it would not be hotter them 125 F.

After the steaks were given a beautiful crusty layer, they were served on the Himalayan salt block and Shiitake mushroom sauce. It was nice to have the steaks hot the entire dinner.

Obvious there was no need for resting the steaks. Notice there was not even one drop of juice leaked out from the steaks when cut. And of course 24 hour slow cooked steaks are more tender than those cooked for just an hour. Hot meat is also more tender than cold meat.

Had a tomato salad side from the garden also.

Precision done steaks can be made every time by any dummies like me with a sous vide cooker.


At 125 F degrees

At 138 F degrees

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