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Friday's Question.........

15 years ago


Q: Besides siblings and SO, have you ever had a roommate?

What were your experiences with them?



Today Is: National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day color>




Comments (23)

  • azzalea
    15 years ago

    No, no roommate.

    Think I'll pass on the 'day' thing--can't afford 40 days and nights of rain. My basement would be a swimming pool--LOL--and we have to get this house sold.

  • phyllis__mn
    15 years ago

    College roommates, of course. The most interesting of them was a Japanese girl whose family had been sent away from the coast at the start of WWII. I also had a roommate at one time who had just left her husband and three kids. She stayed in contact with them, but she was rather strange. That was only for a few months.

  • susan_on
    15 years ago

    No, I've never had a roommate.

  • jel48
    15 years ago

    No, I never had. That said, I shared a room with two younger siblings until I married. I've been married most of my life, but more than once, so I've only been totally without a roommage for the time in between.

  • OklaMoni
    15 years ago

    No, never had. Not sure, if I would want one for the long run either.


  • casey_nfld
    15 years ago

    Yes, I had roommates when I was in university. Most were friends that I went to high school with and we all got along well. Once my friend and I had to advertise for a roommate and we got a very strange girl who boiled ground beef for her meals and smoked in her room even though we had asked for a non smoker and she told us she didn't smoke.

  • vicki_lv
    15 years ago

    Yes...I have/had roommates. Some good...some not so good.

  • lydia1959
    15 years ago

    A BIL, a FIL, MIL and her 2 kids all lived with me and EX-DH. The BIL wasn't so bad... but the other 4 just did not work well.

    More recently a friend stayed with us until she moved. She was barely here and not a problem at all.

  • jannie
    15 years ago

    I had four different roommates in college. Each year we changed, tho I remained friends with all my "exes". after I graduated, I couldn't wait to get my own apartment and be totally on my own, which did happen.

  • stephanie_in_ga
    15 years ago

    oh boy
    i got a story. but i'm one handed, 3 mos baby on my hands today and gotta go to the school. i'll be back with the story.

  • lindaohnowga
    15 years ago

    Only had roommates in college and for one of my hip surgeries in the hospital.

  • grammahony
    15 years ago

    Nope, never had 'a roommate. I had a girlfriend who I worked with, live with me & my girls when I was about 22 and divorced. Her apt. lease was up, and she was getting married in a few months, so I let her stay with me until then. No problems there.

  • linda_in_iowa
    15 years ago

    I had lots of different roommates when I was in my 20s, single and living in San Francisco. One I kept in touch with until she died of cancer at 43. Her name was Jane. I still keep in touch with her DB and DSIL.
    The most memorable was "Cable Car Gloria" as she came to be known about 5 years after she roomed with us. Gloria did not work much because she had injured her back in a cable car accident. She didn't go out much either. Imagine my surprise when I was living on the East Coast and read in the paper that Gloria had won a million dollar lawsuit from the City of San Francisco because the cable car accident turned her into a nymphomaniac"!! Jane and I laughed about that for years and said we should call Gloria and get her to pay us what she owed us for her phone bill.

  • linda_in_iowa
    15 years ago

    I just Googled "Cable car Gloria" and see that it was only $50,000 she was awarded.

  • FlamingO in AR
    15 years ago

    Gosh, Linda, I'm glad you corrected that yourself before someone else came in here and did it for you! lololol

    No roommates, I never even had to share a room as a kid, it pays to be the only girl! (Well, except for wearing your bigger brothers' hand-me-downs!)

    I'm sure this doesn't count, but on road-trips with girlfriends, sharing a room has never been a problem, it's been so much fun. I guess that would wear off eventually, if you had to live together?

  • mimi_boo
    15 years ago

    Six different college roommates. The worst was one girl who stole a calling card number of mine and circulated it around the dorm - it ended up going around the world and my parents got a bill for over $3,300!

    The best was a woman I shared a house with while student teaching. She was a baking major at the Culinary Arts Institute in Hyde Park, NY... wow! That woman was amazing!

  • linda_in_iowa
    15 years ago

    LOL, Flamey. I can't seem to get my figures straight. I meant to type $500,00. Half a million.

  • mylab123
    15 years ago

    Before I married, I shared a small apt with two other girls who were friends of mine.

    Never again. Both lived like PIGS, women can be very disgusting - I realized that I was much happier living alone and inviting friends over to visit, not to stay *LOL*

  • Cherryfizz
    15 years ago

    I have had a few and they were not good experiences.

    When I moved out to Calgary I shared a condo/townhouse with another girl and a gay guy. Ken was wonderful but the woman turned out to be quite scarey. She drank a lot and even attacked Ken's friend one night while he was sleeping because he didn't clean the downstairs bathroom counter off. Ken and I decided the next day to move out. LOL

    Then I moved in with a childhood friend while I was out there. She was okay except for her drug usage but her boyfriend who later became her divorced husband was a real jerk. He and I did not get along at all. I moved out.

    Then after that I moved in with a co-worker. Drugs again. I was starting to get afraid for my life because these people were drug dealers and she held a good position at the bank where we both worked! They drank themselves to oblivion every night and I really don't know how she could even function at work the next day. That was when I decided I would move back home because there was no vacancy anywhere in Calgary at the time and I couldn't deal with being surrounded with drug users. Scarey stuff. I loved my job but I couldn't find a place to live on my own. My older brother talked me into moving back home which I did reluctantly.


  • stephanie_in_ga
    15 years ago

    OK Here's my story.
    My sophomore year of college I transfered, which meant moving from home into the dorms mid-year. So I was placed where there was a vacancy, not with people I knew. We were 4 girls to a room in a co-ed dorm.

    I moved in, but didn't see my roommates until about 3am when they came back from spring break... and woke me up. That was Sunday/Monday. One of the girls was clinically depressed, she didn't get out of bed for days. Until Thursday, when she went across the street to a gas station, bought a razor blade, slit her wrists and called 911. It was the 3rd time that year (the 2nd time was in the room... glas I missed that). Her parents came to take her home, so it was down to three of us. On Friday I walked in on another roommate selling pot. That weekend she snuck a keg into the room, her ex-boyfriend came and beat her up, and the police came (thankfully, I had gone home). She had been arrested for trying to return stolen books to the campus bookstore. She had to do community service, but most of what she did was dealt with by campus police, so she got a hand-smack. She was a cleptomaniac, claimed she could not go into a store without stealing something, even if was "just" a pack of gum, just liked the thrill. She went out to the bars on Thursday night and didn't come back til Monday afternoon. She went home with a different guy every weekend. One day she described to me all the places and positions of their weekend, but said the guy had not called her. She asked, "Do you think that was slutty of me?" I turned around and said "Not if he paid you well."

    The next year I moved off campus to share an apartment with 3 other girls. Two I had known in elementary school, but had moved away years before. One I had kept in very close touch with all those years. We were very excited to finally get to do that, after talking about it our entire childhood. It didn't go well. She drove me nuts! I haven't spoken to her since we graduated. The other two turned out to be great roommates, we had fun. I kept in touch for a few years, but eventually lost touch.

  • earthlydelights
    15 years ago

    i shared an apartment with a girl that i worked with for a one term lease. after that, i was done with roommates.

    about 7months into our lease, i was out of work for a period of about 3 months, but i continued to pay my share of everything. her family felt that because i was home, i should do the cleaning and the cooking like i was her wife or something. her mother argued that her daughter was tired from working and shouldn't have to come home to a dusty or messy place. heck, i paid my share, on time, every month. i kept my room clean, cleaned up after myself, etc. get a grip.

    this same girl's friend lost her apartment due to a fire or something, so low and behold, she invited her to share our apartment. initially told me she was staying for the weekend. when the month came around, i said i would now only pay a third if she was staying. roommate didn't think that was fair. (this girl stayed for 4 months). she also brought her cat with her, which i am allergic to, and that peed on everything.

    i could not wait for the lease to be over. it was not a pleasant experience. i vowed never again.

    flash forward present day. not sure if this counts as "roommates", but my son, DIL and grand moved in. i wouldn't mind if the parents moved out, they are the worst "houseguests" in the world. they have been here way too long and i want them out.

  • grinch_gut
    15 years ago

    Just one time and would never do it again.....Sydney will have one going to college this fall and the girl she will room with never stops mother like daughter....the only thing I can say is Sydney is not like me and she will tell her to stop talking she is trying to study or listen to tv or whatever....she is not one to be run over....Stacy

  • lucinda_grow
    15 years ago

    I had several roomies while going to nursing school. It worked out good with all but the last one.She moved in with me,stayed 3 weeks and i went to visit my mother one weekend. When i got back i heard from neighbors she backed a Uhaul truck up to the door and took everything.One neighbor talked to her and she said she was moving her things. I got home to empty apartment. She even took the pictures off the walls.LOL