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WHY do swing arm lamps always show cord?

11 years ago

Hi all,

I've been shopping for a long time now for swing arm sconces for either side of a window seat in our eventual basement/library....

After six years, we are finally to the point of having to actually get them (yay!) but why is that I cannot find swing arm lights that don't have the cord cover running down the wall? Scones, no problem. But if they're swing arm, forget it. there's a visible cord running down covered by a very pretty (but still unwanted) matching metal cover.

As these will be used for reading, it's important they be swing arm. Am I going to just have to suck it up and live with the visible metal covered cord? Or do I just stink at searching? Perhaps there's even an electrical code for this that I am not aware of....

Here's what I want, sans the cord running down.....

Thanks so much.....

Here is a link that might be useful: Swing arm wall light of my dreams

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