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Of Swing Sets, Dog DooDoo, and Property Lines ...

17 years ago

I just moved into a new home about a month ago. Nice neighborhood - with the exception of the residence directly next to me.

The home next to me is a raised ranch that, in the 70s, was probably really nice. But the present owners have pretty much let the place go down hill. It's not an eye sore yet, but compared to the other homes, the present owners probably are more suited to trailer park life than home ownership.

I was told they were a family with 5 kids. And they thought nothing about erecting one of those huge wooden playsets right on our property line before I moved in.

Okay - most people would probably wander over, introduce themselves, and ask the neighbors to move the swingset back a little - maybe 10 feet. I mean, seriously, kids don't need to be jumping off swings from their yard and landing in the middle of your yard.

Here's the catch ... these people don't actually live there now. I've never really seen *them* ... they've had the place up for sale for more than a year before I moved in next door. I seriously think they come in late at night, park a car there, and then leave some lights on. Someone mows the grass during the weekday - but not them. Other neighbors have said on some weekends in the past they show up with a lot of other people with a lot of samller kids and party at that house. And previously (before I purchased the home) they'd walk their Rottweiler in our backyard to relieve himself. (Which would explain all the old piles of dog doo doo in the yard ... if I see them doing that now, one Rottweiler and dog walker will get shot in the butt with yellow paint balls ....) According to another neighbor, one week I was away on business and I guess they dropped in their place and walked their dog through my backyard again.

I lived in another community where one neighbor behind me (well call him NEIGHBOR A) built a similar playset right on the property line of my neighbor next to me (who we'll call NEIGHBOR B). Nobody said anything until Neighbor A threw a party for his 8 year old kid and one of the party guests fell off the play set onto Neighbor B's property and broke her arm. Needless to say, Neighbor B was sued by the mother of the little girl for medical expenses since she broke her arm on HIS property.

I could just see that happening to me with this play set. I called the township trustees to see if they could get the owner to move the play set back about 10 feet from the property line - nothing. I talked to the Realtor selling the home, she said she'd mention it but not to expect anything.

What would you guys do in this case? You never see the people and the Realtor won't give you their new contact number ... and they seem to only appear when you're not home. I don't think I can walk onto their property and just *move* the play set. But I do toss the dog doodie back in their yard.

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