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Foodsaver users -- please answer my easy questions

16 years ago

I have the FS V2490 from Costco. I would really appreciate any input on the following:

Chocolate Chip cookies -- I want to freeze a dozen in a package so that I can give them away whenever I want. I made my own bag and over-lapped the cookies somewhat and vacuumed and sealed. Worked ok but some of my cookies were crumbly when they thawed.

Should I pre-freeze the cookies on a cookie sheet? Should I put them in the bag overlapping or laying flat?

Hambergers -- I know I have to pre-freeze them so they maintain their shape. Again, should put them in the bag stacked or do they have to be flat?

Dinners like Salisbury Steak -- I like to make a batch and freeze. What kind of container do I use to pre-freeze it in -- how do I get it out of the container when it is frozen?

If I make up a batch of taco meat and store it in a FS container -- how long would it be good for in my refrig?

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