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My dog--my post for the day

My dog is a fine fellow. He is a 6 year old schnorkie (schnauzer/yorkie) named Henry who came to live with me 5 years ago. We found each other just by accident. His old mistress stopped at my place of business one day. Seeing a dog in her car, I asked her about him and she told me that she was on her way to the animal shelter. She explained that she was working two jobs to make ends meet and that she was never home. She had decided that she could no longer keep her dog. I hemmed and hawed and finally took that dog--one of my life's greatest blessings. He has repaid me many times over. He sits where I sit. He sleeps where I sleep. He would never let me out of his sight if he could help it. He is so happy when I get home from work that he actually smiles. He loves to take walks and we stroll around every day to see what nature has on display. It may be a new hellebore blooming or it could be the start of a new nest in the bluebird box or we may run into a turtle on the trail in the woods. Whatever we find, we enjoy each other's company on the way. I know now why they say that dogs are man's best friend.

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