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More on the octuplets mom

15 years ago

I read in the newspaper this morning that 3 of the mom's first 6 children are disabled and get payments for their disabilities. This info comes from the mom's PR agent. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that. This gets me so upset. It was bad enough to know she had 6 already, but to know that 3 of those 6 are special needs kids who need even more attention just sends me into a tail spin.

Comments (71)

  • jannie
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All I can think of is those poor children-I am sure they'll all be in foster care within three years.

  • kayjones
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Since this looney toons has learned to milk the system, guess what she's going to teach all her kids to do? Yup, the will milk it for all it's worth, just like mama. Someone needs to sew her vajayjay shut!!!!

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    Comments (13)
    "The last set of live-born octuplets were born in Texas and turned 10 years old last month." Not all of those eight babies survived. I wonder if the doctors properly explain to the patient the risk and danger of taking these fertility drugs or does the prospective parent just assume "That won't happen to me"?
    ...See More

    Who is looking after the Octuplet mom ..........


    Comments (23)
    I was so disgusted at the way she kept yelling her Mom down. I wondered if she had likely done it her whole life and her mother just let her get by being disrespectful like that. I wanted to back hand her! I 'think' Oct mom is supposed to be on Dr Phil tomorrow. Dr Phil said that while donations 'might' be a good thing that as irresponsible as she was there was no guarantee that any donated $$ would ever benefit all those little children.
    ...See More

    Indulge me one more picture- of my Mom


    Comments (8)
    Your mother looks like such a sweet person. I'm sorry she is having to go through so much. Is she feeling any better since her last treatment? I hope she isn't in a lot of pain. I'll keep her and you as well, in my thoughts and prayers. Now, Nancy, I have to say a couple of things to you about posting pictures. Once you start you are not allowed to stop, so please post as many as you want. We look forward to seeing all pictures. Remember, you are not allowed to stop posting once you start. It's written in small fine print so you may have missed it. :) Linda
    ...See More

    Non -Custodial Mom, What more can I do?!


    Comments (22)
    MIStepMom thanks, you hit it right on the nail, my emotions are poring out over this forum for some help, I seem to not be asking for advice on how to deal with vindictive people the right way, soooo many are only seeing stepmoms side of things, but you see that there are more sides than the primary custodial's side. "And for goodness sake, stop worrying about yourself so much" What I do worry about is what my child is seeing happening between my exhusband-stepmom and I. and how this is truly affecting him, I worry that them being so vindictive is hurting my child, just as much as my move away. They really do act like my 11 year old doesnt know how they conversate with me,they act like them doing this doesnt affect him, BECAUSE ,they say, they've never done it in front of him. Really though, my child is smarter than they give him credit for, as most children are in tune to family relations, even if they dont know what to say or do about it. I know stepmom doesnt like when I call for my son, because this is how it goes, I ask hi is **** there, she says no he's out with his dad, I say politely, would you have him call me when they get back, she says sarcastically IF HE WANTS TO. This is what I'm asking help on, I mean why does she have to be so NASTY, when my child is with me for the summer, I know how important it is to talk to your child, so when they call and our child is out playing or in the shower etc. I simply say, sure I'll tell him you called and have him call you back......whats so hard about this! This is what I have to deal with in many other topics with them to. I dont see why they have to do this, is this helping our child, is this a good thing for him, is this kind of arguing going to be better for my child on a day to day or week to week basis, should I move close to him? I see so many children out there who have parents who fight over them, and to be honest my son is in a better place then them, even though he has to miss seeing me more often in order to have this somewhat peace, between his parents. I only gave up the arguing and fighting over my child, I didnt give up my child. I would love to be in dads and stepmoms shoes. The way they complain all the time that I dont do enough, seems to me like there saying its been a hassle for them to raise my child on a day to day basis, rather then a privalege! One other true example of why I feel they only want money from me and not wish to include me in my childs life: dad initially pays for all medical and sports fees, then mails me the receipts and I reimburse him half back. So one day I get a copy of a soccer kick-a-thon PLEDGE SHEET (not an actual receipt)with a note asking me to reimburse him half of his pledge, which was a measly $5 ! It's not the amount of money that bothers me so, it's the fact that dad didnt even consider informing me of a soccer kick-a-thon and ask me to make a pledge for our son....I would of loved to been asked to participate in my childs pledge....instead I get told what and when Im to pay for something and then they use, come on its for your son, its the least you can do, its only $5. I never paid it to this day, because for the first thing I wasnt included, and the second they demanded it from me, like it was part of his soccer fees, which a pledge is not part of the registration-uniforms-and gear fees. How would you feel if your ex does these kind of things to you all the time?
    ...See More
  • paula_pa
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I also saw a site today that showed before and after photos of her face and it looked pretty good that she had some plastic surgery. Where did that money come from???

  • Lindsey_CA
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd read that one of the six older children is autistic, but I hadn't read that there are two others with some level of disability.

    For the record, she's said that there were 6 viable embryos remaining (I guess frozen) and she didn't want any destroyed, and she didn't want to donate any to anyone else. She insisted the doctor implant all six. Two of the 6 split into twins, which is how she ended up with 8.

  • susan_on
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A fertility expert on CNN tonight said that it is highly improbable that all embryos were viable. He was saying that he would be that many more were implanted. I guess we don't really know, but apparently she hasn't been real honest about other things.

    They also said that it has been confirmed that she already had three disabled children. They haven't identified the nature of the disabilities though.

    I agree with the poster who said that she didn't think of the best interests of any of the children at all. It was all "I-I-I" and "Me-Me-Me".

  • gneegirl
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I really don't want to judge because I'm not in her shoes - thankfully at this point, but I'm wondering about her disability money. She is using that for IVF procedures???? The money is coming from somewhere, and that's the only money she has. I wonder if the authorities will look into that.

    She said the "dad" is not having anything to do with any of the children. That is sad, but I don't blame him right now. That's a lot to digest. The horrible part - I don't think she was thinking of him while doing this. I'm sure he hasn't signed any birth certificates, so I'm not sure of legalities down the road. I just hope any judge won't look to him for any child support.

    I think reality is setting in for Mom - I did see a little fear when asked certain pressing questions. My heart goes out to the kids. I hope they don't land in foster care. I think Mom will be just fine IF she can get financial support. She is missing something in her life - I think that has transferred to loving her kids. Taking care of them is an altogether different issue. Everyone is saying not to help, but OMG if no one does, it WILL be tragic for the kids.

  • Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well I watched her on Dateline, and my opinion has changed none. I think she thinks she can win the hearts of Americans, and that she will be considered 'special'.

    She admitted that having babies filled an emptiness within her. Now why wouldn't one or two children fill that emptiness? Why did she still feel empty though she had 6 small children? There is no one and nothing that will fill that emptiness, evidently.
    One child is autistic. Another is mildly autistic, and the 3rd I think she said had ADD or something and that after a while only the one would be on disability, or whatever the assistance is.

    NBC did not pay her for the interview.

  • lindasewandsew
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Our local media is reporting that she'll receive $300k from NBC. They don't pay for the interview, but pay through a third party for photos of the kids, etc. That way it doesn't look like she gets paid by them. Nice.

    Their middle names are all Angel, as in angel, or maybe Angelina?? She also seems obsessed with having BABIES, not children. Seems like once they're not babies, she needs to have more.

    She's been paid at least $165k by whatever disability insurance she's collected it from, supposedly from a back injury she suffered while employed by the state of California, then a second injury she got in a car accident on the way to an appt. with the doctor treating that injury. She also receives almost $500 a month in food stamps, which she says are 'not welfare'. She hasn't worked since 2001. Even in the socialist republic of California, collecting disability for 7 or 8 years is quite a feat. It's being reported today that Kaiser Hospital is filing for Medicaid for the costs. Glad she's not receiving welfare. The media hasn't found out yet how the fertility stuff (or the stuffed lips) were funded, but it will surely all come out in the near future. She hasn't worked since the first baby was born. When all is public, there will still be 14 kids in a very bad situation. OctoGram and Gramps have apparantly been paying large expenses and giving care as best they can, while she's on national TV spouting how disfunctional her life has been with them. The Los Angeles Times has news on the situation daily.

    We can be thankful that she's not our daughter, or our next door neighbor, lol. Linda

  • ilmbg
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    By now you probably already heard more.....She recieved $169,000 from Workmans Compensation. She admitted on tv this am that she spent over $100,000 for IVF. She gets over $1,100 a month from Medicaid. She also gets money from funding for disabled children.
    This girl is sick....
    Remember how some of the other families with multiple births got a free house built for them, all the baby food, diapers, etc that they will need. I have an idea she was planning on etting a free house also, and as someone else said, money from pictures, stories and whatever else she can come up with.
    As a disabled person myself, it just galls me that she spent that kind of money..... I SOOO hope that somehow she will be made to pay some back...and maybe the children would be better off in another home- HOW does she think she will be able to care for these kids like a parent should???
    And watching her walk- she can walk much better than I can- and I broke my neck and back at work/hospital- I recieved $90,000- and I will never be able to return to work! That is where Work Comp gets screwed.
    Getting pregnant is a great strain on the back- her back seemed to tolerate all that extra weight without a problem. Grrrrrr
    Maybe I shouldn't judge, but I think the kids are the ones getting a bad deal.

  • patches_02
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    They just said, she receives $600.00 a pc. for the three disabled children but she said, the money on two she wants to stop soon. She keeps saying they'll be fine soon as she gets her degree. Sounds like she is wanting help to get her degree. How much money does she think this degree will make her. She wants to be a counselor,seems she needs one herself.

  • socks
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Everyone is so mad about this, especially Californians. In these economic times, people are in no mood to face the millions of dollars of State aid this woman will receive because of her selfishness. I don't care what she says, there is just no way she will be able to support her family. No home, no husband, no job, $50,000 in college loan debt. She has just created a mess which taxpayers will pay for. Yet she goes on denying that she will take State aid. Why doesn't she just break down and admit that she has made a very irresponsible mistake?

  • Jasdip
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It came out last nite that she had plastic surgery as well. She looks remarkedly different with her pregnancy with her previous brood.
    She made herself look like Angelina Jolie.

    So she has no job, gets $495 for food stamps, has 3 kids on disability, 50K in debt (student loans) and she can afford the IVF AND plastic surgery??

    If she goes to get her degree, and finds a job afterwards, the money she earns will all go towards child-care. How does she expect to live, even WITH a degree, much less how is she paying expenses while she goes to school to get this degree?????

    AND, I read she wants 2 million to go on Oprah. This is just the beginning of the media money. Book and film rights are also being discussed, which I personally believe was her motive all along......

  • iowagirl2006
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    She is certainly trying to look like Angelina Jolie. And she had these god awful huge fake french tips on while caressing the babies head. Made me shudder.

  • Granlan_TX
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Octomom is a LOSER and a Whacko!

    Sadly, the biggest losers in all of this are the children.

  • jannie
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Medicaid is welfare. The money comes from taxpayers.

  • gwanny2three
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    All the finances aside....what about her sanity taking care of eight infants and 6 older children??? Did she not get scared to death about that part? I'd be terrified to go home!! And I wouldn't want so many that I have to have friends and strangers in my house all the time taking care of my kids...can you imagine the chaos in her home for the next 18+ years??? (If they stay together that long) I just don't get it. My SIL used to be a fertility nurse and assisted with many proceedures. Now she travels around the USA and makes sure doctors offices are up to codes and regulations, checks the records, etc. alnong with various studies in the medical field. I asked her if she knew this doctor because she has visits to a few doctors in Beverly Hills where this DR is located. Here's what she said in her email regarding the embryos~~

    Hi there! No, never heard of this guy. He seriously does need to be investigated, even removed from doing IVF. In my 10+ years, we never put back 2-3 on a healthy young woman, 4, maybe 5 on an older woman, all depending on the embryo quality and cell division number at implantation. He clearly has to be held to malpractice.

    I feel rather strongly that the state needs to step in and remove these children from this woman. And I strongly believe she should not profit from what she has done, no company, movie or book deal should endorse her. She is clearly not at home and all that would do is reinforce her bad behavior. What a sad mess, for sure. So are you paying enough taxes to support her? We all are fixing to take a pay hike!

  • gwanny2three
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    She says she isn't and won't be on welfare but she wouldn't mind taking donations from us....this is her website~~

  • Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    She is clearly not at home and all that would do is reinforce her bad behavior.

    Yes, and think of the copycat mom's in the years to come, if she and her litter are handed everything, and all 'appears' well.

    I do think these children need to be spread out into homes where they can get the motherly love and attention they need and deserve. They should not have to suffer and be dependent on Wacko mom.

    I thought it was sad when they showed that she spent just seconds with each newborn. It will be that way their whole lives, if she is allowed to keep them.

    When it showed her 6 children at home last night, I thought it looked like some of them were starved for attention. Why was I not surprised?

    Did anyone else think it seemed that way?

  • matti5
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It sickened me as I watched last nights interview on Dateline. It was obvious that she has no grasp on reality by the way she answered any and all of the questions. A medical expert said that the newborns have a 20 to 80% chance of life long medical issues.

    Granny2three, I agree with you, I hope no one moves forward with any offers for book deals, movies, etc..

    I hate to see the kids suffer as they are innocent victims of this crazy woman. I pray that the state moves in and puts them in the hands of stable parents.

  • Kathsgrdn
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    At least her kids were bright enough to know what their life is going to be like when the babies come home. They said their mom was going to be stressed and there would be a lot of crying. Poor kids. There's a high possibility that the new babies will have major medical problems and guess who gets to pay for them?

  • paula_pa
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was watching Biggest Loser and when I saw that she was coming on Dateline next I couldn't change the channel fast enough.

  • monica_pa Grieves
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    She now has a website...donate now - she takes all credit cards and PayPal.

  • susan_on
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Regarding her website- oh, brother.

  • phyllis__mn
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was so tempted to leave a fitting comment on her website....but I refrained!

  • Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You can also leave feedback at the link that was posted above.

    Below is the link for feedback. I wonder if she will see by the feedback that asking/begging for donations might not be too smart at this stage of the game.

    She said she was going to take care of them...what gives then? Did she figure out that the cat was out of the bag that she saw school loans as child support?

    Because of the outrage of the country, you can be sure she will be under a very watchful eye...or so one would hope.
    Couldn't one say that she is the 'business' of having babies? Shouldn't her income as a result then be taxed, or taken to pay for the hospital bills already run up? Surely she will not be allowed to profit from all this and the taxpayers picking up the tab.

  • suzieque
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Every time we watch any of the interviews with her we are feeding into her pocketbook. If the networks get viewers by having her on, they will continue to pay her to be on. If they don't, they won't. Tuning in to the interviews is precisely what she's wanting us to do; it puts her in demand. So, if we do, we can't complain about the money she's making from publicity.

  • Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was so tempted to leave a fitting comment on her website....but I refrained!
    Well I did not refrain myself, and feel a little better for it.

    Her site sports the Killeen Furtney Group at the bottom, so I checked them out.

    It says:
    KILLEEN FURTNEY GROUP, INC is a full-service marketing and public relations agency based in Los Angeles, California. We work with businesses, government agencies and non-profit organizations to develop and execute strategic communication plans designed to exceed your business objectives.

    We think about your business as if it were our own. We develop research-based strategies that focus on your goals. We recommend only those strategies that we know will work best for you. We help you achieve your business objectives, on budget, while ensuring that your timeline is met. Blah, blah, blah.........

    So, I wonder if she has made application to be a non-profit organization? I wonder what Arnold thinks about it all.

  • golfergrrl
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It seems to be the general consensus that Nadya is mentally unbalanced. If we accept this premise, then to go on and on spewing vitriole is not fair to her and especially not her children. Since when is trashing a mentally ill person acceptable? It's one thing after another until we're attacking her appearance.
    The children had no say in this matter. If companies or others want to donate help, it's for the children's benefit. Withdrawing support of any helping companies says you don't want the children to be helped.
    The best case scenerio would be for all 14 children to be taken away to be raised in a stable invironment.
    In the meantime, I think the focus should be on "what can be done to help the children?" rather than the constant dissection of the mother's behavior and looks.
    What gratification is gotten from vilifying Nadya?
    What's done is done.
    I guess the mantra "if you have nothing nice to say...."
    is only applied here selectively.

  • caflowerluver
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I haven't said a word on all the other posts but I can't stand it any longer. I am going to put my 2 cents in. I think ALL the children should be taken away from her because she is mentally unbalanced. They should be put in loving stable homes. I am a mother of one Autistic child and it is not easy. They need and deserve more attention then a "normal" child. How she will take care of the disabled children with so many others is unclear. Or clear that the disabled children will suffer neglect.

    I think the doctor who did the implant of all 6 embryos should have his medical licence taken away. I heard on the Today Show that he has already done some things that are unethical before this.

    Nadya's parents should have her committed. She obviously needs mental help that she will not get on her own. She is seriously mentally ill and is not only hurting herself but now has hurt 14 innocent lives with her actions. She's obviously incapable of being a good emotionally fit mother.

    Stepping off my box now.

  • susan_on
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's true, that the children have to come first now.

  • gneegirl
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Unfortunately, she and all of her children are in "the system" now. Nothing we say or do will prevent it. Social Services, and /or the courts will now be involved in every aspect of her life - from monitoring her family home life to being sure the kids are getting what they need, to enforcing repayment of any misused goverment funds. If the kids are "fostered", the foster parents will receive stipends, and if adopted, the adoptive parents will still need to get medical care for the kids - some through medicare. The damage is done. The bad part - not sure if the state will step in to take the kids because she seems to be able to take care of them. They appear clean and well behaved. No one was swinging from a chandelier. Unless there is just cause, and the kids are faring well, the programs are in place to help her, even with the kids in her home. Once the older kids reach a certain age, they will be forced to take care of the younger ones. Poor babies!!


  • Lee
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "Mentally unbalanced?" OR

    Someone who thought doing which 'she chose to do' because she thought she would end up a millionaire with all kinds of endorsements, freebies, a book deal, movie of the week, etc.

    She is collecting up to $2,379 each month for 3 of her older 6 kids because they have been 'deemed' disabled. Taxpayers take the hit for that.

    Just the premie medical costs are estimated to be $1.3 million. The taxpayers will take the hit for that.

    She's got $50K in student loans; what are the realistic chances that will ever be paid; the taxpayers will take the hit for that.

    She managed to get collect disability payments of $165K for over 10 years for her 'back' problems. And yet she chose to carry a litter of 7 (the 8th was a surprise even to the medical team) in spite of her back problems.

    She gets almost $500/month in food stamps for her 6 kids but she does not consider that or the SSI payments welfare. The taxpayers take the hit for that and the increase when she brings the other 8 home.

    Now she will likely get Section 8 housing, she will pay about 1/3 of the real rent. The taxpayers take the hit for the rest.

    Don't bet on "Social Services, and/or the courts will now be involved in every aspect of her life - from monitoring her family home life to being sure the kids are getting what they need, to enforcing repayment of any misused goverment funds." It sounds good and that is what some law might say. Reality is that all too many kids 'in the system' do not even get protected from being abused in every fashion and even murdered. You can read about it on a weekly basis.

    Her plans are to return to get her master's degree this fall and will use more student loans to support her kids. For childcare she plans on using the college's daycare facility.

  • Lee
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "Mentally unbalanced?" OR

    Someone who thought doing which 'she chose to do' because she thought she would end up a millionaire with all kinds of endorsements, freebies, a book deal, movie of the week, etc.

    She is collecting up to $2,379 each month for 3 of her older 6 kids because they have been 'deemed' disabled. Taxpayers take the hit for that.

    Just the premie medical costs are estimated to be $1.3 million. The taxpayers will take the hit for that.

    She's got $50K in student loans; what are the realistic chances that will ever be paid; the taxpayers will take the hit for that.

    She managed to get collect disability payments of $165K for over 10 years for her 'back' problems. And yet she chose to carry a litter of 7 (the 8th was a surprise even to the medical team) in spite of her back problems.

    She gets almost $500/month in food stamps for her 6 kids but she does not consider that or the SSI payments welfare. The taxpayers take the hit for that and the increase when she brings the other 8 home.

    Now she will likely get Section 8 housing, she will pay about 1/3 of the real rent. The taxpayers take the hit for the rest.

    Don't bet on "Social Services, and/or the courts will now be involved in every aspect of her life - from monitoring her family home life to being sure the kids are getting what they need, to enforcing repayment of any misused goverment funds." It sounds good and that is what some law might say. Reality is that all too many kids 'in the system' do not even get protected from being abused in every fashion and even murdered. You can read about it on a weekly basis.

    Her plans are to return to get her master's degree this fall and will use more student loans to support her kids. For childcare she plans on using the college's daycare facility.

  • Lindsey_CA
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "Everyone is so mad about this, especially Californians. In these economic times, people are in no mood to face the millions of dollars of State aid this woman will receive because of her selfishness.

    Yep. Our Governor has ordered two furlough days a month for state employees, which results in a 10% pay cut. (And a temporary budget compromise reached today calls for a one-cent sales tax increase, increased income tax; and an increase in vehicle license fees.) I guess my $657 per month pay cut will help feed one of her kids. I don't mind helping to feed a needy child, but I take umbrage at her getting any of my money so she can have more cosmetic surgery done. (I'm guessing a tummy tuck is next.)

  • Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I was wondering if maybe Californians are maybe considerably more outraged and disgusted than the rest of the general population.
    Do you think they likely are?

  • stephanie_in_ga
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Holy pacifiers! She could be a line item in the California budget! There must be departments in the state that are a smaller expense that this woman and her kids.

    Denial is the word that comes to mind. She talks about not being selfish because she feels she made/makes sacrafices to have children and love them. She does not "get" that by selfish we mean she's taking up resources she doesn't have the right to take.

    She is extreme, but there are a lot of other people living in denial and the same kind of selfishness, doing what they feel like doing without considering the effect on their family or community. They are all saying they are doing nothing wrong, just livin' their lives the way they want. There are men fathering children they can't care for, and have no intention of caring for even if they can. There are probably a good number who have fathered as many as 8, they just incubated in 8 different woman, who are letting the state raise them. It's time to hold accountable this woman, and all the other men and women who don't take their responsibilities to their children and their society seriously. People who use resources from the society without putting back into it.

    Being an adult does NOT mean you get to finally do whatever you want. It means you finally do what you know you have to do.

  • Lindsey_CA
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, I think it's safe to say that California state employees are considerably more outraged and disgusted.

    Our state is in such a fiscal mess that we're losing 10% of our salary, we're going to lose two paid holidays (we got those holidays in collective bargaining several years ago because we hadn't had a raise in four or five years, so to take them away is basically another pay cut), our taxes (sales, income, and vehicle) are being increased, and we'll have less money with which to pay those taxes. And the Governor will be issuing a letter tomorrow calling for the least-senior 20% of employees to be given SROA notices. This means that the folks with the least seniority will be notified that they have been placed on the State Restriction on Appointments list - - this gives them priority in hiring when an agency is filling vacancies that are exempt from the hiring freeze. (If two people are in contention for a position, and one is on the SROA list and the other is not, the hiring agency is supposed to offer the position to the person on the SROA list unless they can give strong justification as to why that person is less qualified than the other candidate.) I have 20 years of state service and my husband has 24 years, so we should be ok, but you'd be amazed at how many state employees have more than 25 years of state service. (Don't get me wrong -- the dollar amount I listed above is 10% of my salary -- my husband makes considerably more than I do [and so far it appears that he will not be furloughed], so we can afford the cut, but it's still irritating as heck...)

    Our Legislature works part time and they all just got brand new vehicles at taxpayer expense. The Governor just appointed two of his cronies to positions that pay over $125,000 per year. And we're taking a pay cut. And we're going to have to pay to support this nut case with 14 kids? When state employees have more children they don't get an automatic pay raise.

    Yeah, I'm ticked. But I really can't speak for other state employees... Anyone else at the Table a state employee??

  • hale_bopp
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm so ticked, that I had to come here and post again how ticked I am! My whole family gets to pay for HER stupid actions. We're stomping mad.

    Haley (in CA)

  • intherain
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I doubt she's the only one who's worked the system, but her situation has brought it all to light. How many others continue to have children while getting assistance? Granted, her situation is a huge extreme...and sad. Very sad.

  • golfergrrl
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, this woman is the poster child for California's welfare system. People who are angry at her should consider looking at the big picture. The newest figure I could find was for 2006...$5 billion spent on public assistance. You can only imagine what the figure for 2009 is going to be. She's definitely not the only one who knows how to play the system. What she'll receive is really just a drop in the bucket. Our tax dollars are supporting thousands and thousands of welfare milkers and cheats.....they just aren't in the news. And yes, it makes me angry. I think the California welfare system stinks... for many reasons which I won't get into here.

  • girlsingardens
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well I couldn't hold myself back and left a comment as to what I truely feel about what she did and what should be done with all 14 children and that there are so many who would give these children a NORMAL home.


  • jannie
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    With eight infants, she'll need about $30 a day just for diapers!

  • socks
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That's $900 a month just for disposable diapers. But she'll save a lot of money by breastfeeding.

  • rosemaryt
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What she did is unconscionable. I understand the medical bill for the eight babies is $1 million SO FAR. And we're picking up the tab!


  • suzieque
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I caught the end of Dr. Phil. It was only in the last 5 minutes, so I can't judge the rest of his show. But I was very, very disappointed in him that, at the end, he showed octomom's web site and said that the URL would be posted on his site. He said something to the effect that, whatever we thought of the mom, we should consider the children, and that she is open to donations.


  • gwanny2three
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Unfortunatley if we help the babies we are rewarding the mom.

  • golfergrrl
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Why? There are alot of stupid, irresponsible or in this case mentally unbalanced single mothers out there receiving welfare. It just so happens that this one has 14 kids.
    She's just going to count the same as maybe 2 or 3 other welfare mothers combined. Why begrudge the children aid?
    Everybody is too focused on the mother rather than her children. What's done is done.

  • suzieque
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't mean to begrudge the children. For me, it's the means of getting them here. Yes, they're here, and they are the innocents in this. As gwanny2three said, helping the babies is rewarding the mom and playing right into her plan (at least what her plan has seemed to be). I don't doubt that she loves her children, at least in some way. But it's that she is seemingly holdig her "plight" over everyone's head to get charity dollars, when it is she that willinging and knowingly chose her plight.

    Yes, the children are the pawns. It's a very, very difficult situation and I am very sensitive to the children. But I will not donate to her. I was raised to make decisions knowing that it was up to me to deal with the results of those decisions. It made me mature very young, but I will tell you that I blame no one but myself when I do something irresponsible (which is rare, but I'm human). I take full responsibility and deal with it.

    I also don't have a lot of sympathy for "the poor grandmother". She's been rewarding her daughter's bad behavior for some time. But yes, she loves her daughter and cannot turn her grandchildren away - I understand that. But again, that's her choice.

    And here is octomom living with her awful parents who raised her in such a dysfunctional environment, and she's trusting the care of her beloved 14 children to those very people. Huh?

    I contribute to charities regularly and I also travel to other places at least annually to actively help people who need help. All I mean by that is to say that I am not selfish or heartless. I am very, very proactive in helping people who are making some effort to help themselves or those who are doing the best they can. This woman is neither of those.


  • ilmbg
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I guess the bottom line is HOW these last 8 babies came into the world-
    Don't get on my case about the next comment, it is a true comparison: There are many Hispanics who have 14 kids- they had their kids year after year- and they also get us to pay for their kids.
    This person just happened to make 8 kids at one time- making it seem more of a 'miriacle'. Bottom dollar is that we are paying for LOTS of people who have 14 kids....

    I used to work in Arizona as a Labor/Delivery nurse- many, many days illegals came across the border to deliver in a US hospital so they could get US free 'assistance'. I don't mind helping the kids, but it burns my A** when they do something like this- just let all us support them. 99% were Hispanic.Yes, Mexico is a bad place- but they get over here to take money and never work- but that is another thread. 'Sigh'

  • gwanny2three
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I realize what your saying LindaKathy but it has to stop somewhere. Our system is so screwed up and it's too easy to get aide. Sad as it would be I'd rather see the babies taken away from her and raised by someone who can afford them and not be raised in the system. Chances are they'll be removed from her care eventually anyway. Then it would be even sadder for them. Soon she's most likely going to snap trying to take care of these 8 new babies...can you imagine? Plus trying to take care of the other 6?? No one can last long doing that. Any help she may get in the beginning will soon fade away. People will get tired of helping once the it gets old for them. And the way $$ is these days the donations will stop too. Unless of course she gets all the TV, movie and book deals that are rumored to be coming at her, then she shouldn't need our $$. I am not heartless either but I can't stand to hear that she even wanted one more in her situation...that's what irks me so much! I think 6 is too many for her.....she has really created a mess for her kids. Either they all stay together and have a poor life or they get separated and raised by other people. Just sad. She needs to be spayed!

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