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Desperately need neutral to go with blues and greens

15 years ago

Please help ME!!!

I desparately wanted a blue-green master bedroom as that is my all time favorite color. Unfortunately I have tried at least 25 different blues and blue greens from BM and SW and I don't think I could live with any of them. I really sat and thought about it, and I realize that I like saturated blues and greens, not really pale versions, and I am not going to go with something that dark in a poorly lit room. The pale blue-green-grays just don't work for me and I am throwing in the towel. If I've tried this many and can't get it to work, I doubt there will be one shade that will be the "magic bullet".

So, I also like gold or slightly green toned neutrals, and think that they could serve as a foil for saturated blue-green art, bedding, etc. I really think I prefer warm colors on the wall, and I think a warm color will work better in poor lighting and help to avoid the "washing out" that occurred with the pale aquas.

I really thought I needed a cool color to work with my orangey toned tigerwood floors and orangey toned wood furniture. Please give me 5 BM or SW colors that are a neutral golden greenish tan that have worked for you. A friend is coming to help paint tomorrow and I am sick and tired of thousands of samples all over my walls!

I saw a picture in a magazine where Pittsfield Buff was paired with lots of blues and greens and it worked. I have SW Ramie in my living room that I like OK. I was also thinking about SW Netsuke or maybe Relaxed Khaki.

I feel like I'm giving up and I've seen so many beautiful pictures of blue-green walls, but I guess I have to face facts.

I also had a brief thought of using something like a yellower green. This room was previously SW Svelte Sage and I liked it, but I'm kind of over the sages--although I don't think any thing works better with orange wood. Would aqua and blue green work with a sage?

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