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I'm throwing out so much out-of-date pantry stuff!!

14 years ago

I have a large pantry--a room, really (it used to be a small bedroom), lined with shelves--and I'm ashamed at how long it's been since I went through everything and gave the shelves a thorough cleaning. I'd told myself I would attack it after Wolfy was gone, but that happened in May, and I didn't get right on it. Not even close!

I started New Years Eve, and I'm still at it. I've maxed out my trash cans with all the out-of-date foods I tossed. I'm less than halfway done with the shelves, but the ones I've completed are clean and neat--and I even applied a tiny bit of paste wax to them.

I'll feel like I accomplished something when I finish this job. And we're never to old to learn lessons......I've learned that I must stop buying things because they're on sale, figuring I'll use them eventually. The ones that never get used are no bargain!

Anyone else have a pantry in need of some ruthless attention? :-)

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